anmoo's blog

Cold oven start trial

Profile picture for user anmoo

Tried a cold oven start today...Interestingly I baked for 30min on stone, covered with a pot, when I removed the lid, there was hardly any oven spring. But after another 25min, it came out not too  bad I suppose. :)

Crust was crispy and interior soft and moist. I suppose I could have proofed the loaf a little longer. Anyone uses the cold oven start method? Have a great sunday!

Red wine marbled tin loaf

Profile picture for user anmoo
Two loafs:420g APF, 80g whole wheat, 375g water/red wine 10g salt, 90g starter. (Boule) 175 g APF, 75g bread flour, 60g starter, 5g salt, 190g water/redwine infused with rosemary 175 g APF, 75g bread flour, 60g starter, 5g salt, 190g redwine infused with rosemary (tinloaf) Both baked in a gas oven 1hr.The marbled loaf had a great aroma, the rosemary was nice and dominant, the wine, only a tiny bit. I cooked the fresh rosemary twig in the wine for about 20mins.Definitely will play around with wine&herbs more ;O)


Profile picture for user anmoo

Yay, happy today. Made a rye/wheat mix bread today, I was in a hurry and thought "heck just try". So used unfed starter and put it straight into the mix. Did folds every 30mins, for about 2hrs, then bulk fermentation for 4 hrs, shaped and left in fridge for about 14hrs. It turned out really nicely, I think ;) Anyone experimented with non fed starter? It does speed the process up a lot and might be a nice option every now and then -  was I just lucky and beginners luck or just the rye or is there actually a chance that this would work with other sourdoughs too?