Yippee's blog

20210526 How I develop gluten for whole wheat dough

Profile picture for user Yippee

To prevent unsightly pinhole crumbs caused by excessive hydration of whole wheat flour, before I bake, I test the flour's absorption capacity by autolyzing it under different hydration levels and observing its gluten development. The hydration at which the dough starts to slack/tear is the bottom line for me to stop adding water to the dough. 


20210428 + 0601 Stan's (100% whole-grain) Chleb Mieszany with CLAS

Profile picture for user Yippee
  •  To learn more about concentrated lactic acid sourdough (CLAS), please see here and here


Ingredients (pre-warmed and maintained at 30-32C/86-89.6F throughout the process):


50% freshly ground, unsifted whole wheat (All the whole rye/wheat flours I bought are rancid.)

42% freshly ground, unsifted whole rye

8% whole rye CLAS


30% + 9% water

20210201 Easy Instant Pot Marmalade

Profile picture for user Yippee

Preparing to make a traditional panettone can sometimes be daunting, especially when I don't have MANY ingredients!  A panettone recipe from Chef Alphonso Pepe calls for several citrus fruit paste. It is discouraging that I have to pause to prepare these ingredients every time before I can make his panettone.  I like spontaneous baking, and that's why I love CLAS.  Any extended prep work before a bake will most likely deter me from baking.