Recent Forum and Blog Comments
- explain "epoxy method" pleasesubfuscpersonaon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Hamelman and Reinhart on Whole WheatCountryBoyon Forum topicHamelman's Whole Wheat Bread
- the rules of refreshmentmarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- yeahmarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Me tooMini Ovenon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Excuse me for jumping in here,Mini Ovenon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- I'm so jealousJMonkeyon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Please, Susan, tell us moremarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- You aremarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- I'm just wondering if thealadenzoon Forum topicYeast and Baking Powder at the same time
- Yes, it is the Chinese Porkaladenzoon Forum topicYeast and Baking Powder at the same time
- My starters are waitingMini Ovenon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- French version of French Foldmarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Giant bagel..Paddyscakeon Forum topicAnyone ever make Italian (round) pizza bread,...
- Pizza breadRFMonacoon Forum topicAnyone ever make Italian (round) pizza bread,...
- Thank you, bluezebramarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Thank you Jeffrey.Hizainaba22on Blog postSourdough Dates Anise Bread
- Pratchett rulez!marianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- They look awesome..Paddyscakeon Forum topicAnyone ever make Italian (round) pizza bread,...
- A little different view of retardingsusanfnpon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- salt of the earthMini Ovenon Forum topicOops! Forgot the salt
- ZB..those are beauties..Paddyscakeon Blog postAuvergne Rye Baguette with Bacon
- Too wide, Floyd helpMini Ovenon Blog postDisplay problem
- PR's new bookFloydmon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Yeah, I'll join you.Rosalieon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Degassing and Oven-springcolinwhippleon Forum topicBaker's couche
- Pancakes, English MuffinsRosalieon Forum topicYeast and Baking Powder at the same time
- I found the linkRosalieon Forum topicBaker's couche
- Are you refering to thegeorgeon Forum topicYeast and Baking Powder at the same time
- I think that rolling someKipperCaton Forum topicOops! Forgot the salt
- Maybe it's okayRosalieon Forum topicOops! Forgot the salt
- I added not only a bit ofKipperCaton Forum topicOops! Forgot the salt
- Amazing Marianabrowndogon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- French Fold Videoehanneron Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Very educationalzolablueon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- BTW Mariana I have been remiss in jumping in withoutbluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- you are funnymarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- the best kneading toolmarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- your observations are correct, browndogmarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Thank you MiniOvenmarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Couche tipsbreadnerdon Forum topicBaker's couche
- I made that recipe this weekend too.breadnerdon Blog postThom Leonard's Country French
- Mariana, you're like abrowndogon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Terminology StartersMini Ovenon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Method of kneadingehanneron Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- I went to Jimmy Buff's website...Trishinomahaon Forum topicAnyone ever make Italian (round) pizza bread,...
- Good grief mariana you are a bread bakingbluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Hi Mariana thanks again for your time in going throughbluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Eric that definitely sounds appealing!bluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Food, I said.browndogon Forum topicDo you have a favorite bread or food related...