Recent Forum and Blog Comments
- bread bowlsAnnieTon Forum topicBread bowl recipe- Chili, Stew, Soup, have one to share?
- Oh I'm so happy I wasn't coming across that way!bluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Yay!!!!! Wow your oven cooks way hotter than mine!bluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Try here dearMini Ovenon Forum topicBread bowl recipe- Chili, Stew, Soup, have one to share?
- da seeds...smartdogon Blog postA busy baking day. ;)
- The explanations and scienceKipperCaton Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- 50-60F placemarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- And I keep wondering whysusanfnpon Blog postA busy baking day. ;)
- PR's new bookAnnieTon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Blue Zebra, here they are!marianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- I hope I didn't lead you astrayTheDrkHorseOneon Forum topicBread bowl recipe- Chili, Stew, Soup, have one to share?
- We're all on the same journeysphealeyon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Retard, or notsusanfnpon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- You did not come across toAtropineon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- This is part of what got meAtropineon Forum topicImported Food
- I think this is an awesome point!!!! I want to apologizebluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- activity in the fridge...bwraithon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- I am so thankful for thisAtropineon Forum topicQuick Rustic Ciabatta Pizza - Recipe, Full Howto with Pics
- I've also found that aKipperCaton Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Re: boring suppositionssphealeyon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Boring suppositions, but may be food for thought...Atropineon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Thanks :)breadnerdon Forum topicScale - Breadnerd
- Thanks guysbreadnerdon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Maybe, just maybe...L_Mon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- I just posted a pic of myKipperCaton Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- D'oh!breadnerdon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Mariana, how do you keep it at 50F to 60F?KipperCaton Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Flavor, gluten development, and gasbwraithon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Bill thanks for your kind words!bluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Thanks for the info Mini.KipperCaton Forum topicOops! Forgot the salt
- nice blog of the VT SDbwraithon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- I'm thinking these must be transmogrified!bluezebraon Forum topicAnyone ever make Italian (round) pizza bread,...
- Hi Mariana! On the thickness of the pitas...bluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Thanks Bill and great to hear from you too!bluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- PR's WGB Sandwich BreadKipperCaton Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Hi BZ,bwraithon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- SaltKipperCaton Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Bill a quick thought?bluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Rosada and Calvelmarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- fwiw, no problem here with refrigerating starter...bwraithon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- RecipeJMonkeyon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- recipe clarificationehanneron Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- thready doughmarianaon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Starter creation methodehanneron Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- KneadingJMonkeyon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- I started the pre-doughs last nightRosalieon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- Susan I so thrilled this topic came up while you arebluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Mariana your drawing is very helful! Thanks!bluezebraon Forum topicDeveloping sourdough flavors through retarding dough
- Sounds like an exciting method!bluezebraon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!
- EpoxyJMonkeyon Forum topicBakers, start your whole wheat engines!