Recent Forum and Blog Comments
- I missed this before..Paddyscakeon Forum topicFlour, Water, Yeast, Salt - Craig Ponsford videos on CHOW
- Deferring gratificationdmsnyderon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Pumpernickel vs Corn RyeElaineWon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Just do it!dmsnyderon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Flours and SDdmsnyderon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Sourdough Semolinadmsnyderon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Vermont SourdoughElaineWon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Clear FlourElaineWon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Vermont SD from Hamelmandmsnyderon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Rye from my youthfleur-de-lizon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Yum!ElaineWon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Not so Delicious?browndogon Blog postThe Scent of Apples
- Gorgeous loaves, Elaine!dmsnyderon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Bittersweet, Susan--I'mbrowndogon Blog postThe Scent of Apples
- fireplace bakingNoodleladyon Blog post19th Century Breadmaking
- Proper cidersusanfnpon Blog postThe Scent of Apples
- You're funnyzolablueon Blog postThe Scent of Apples
- belated thank yousubfuscpersonaon Forum topicFlour, Water, Yeast, Salt - Craig Ponsford videos on CHOW
- Thank youElaineWon Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Sue, looks great!browndogon Blog postThe Scent of Apples
- Very nice Elaineehanneron Forum topicGreenstein's Sour Rye Bread Note: There is an updated version.
- Video....qahtanon Forum topicLooking for Magic Mills users
- Oh, my!zolablueon Blog postCheese Snail Success!
- Congrats, pizzameister.Floydmon Forum topicSuper Peel II
- 14%charbonoon Forum topicOptimal amount of protein for a whole wheat flour?
- The gas bill would kill youehanneron Forum topicPizza oven
- Excellent idea!JMonkeyon Forum topicTFL Book?
- snailsbrowndogon Blog postCheese Snail Success!
- Protein and whole wheatJMonkeyon Forum topicOptimal amount of protein for a whole wheat flour?
- Gorgeous rolls!KipperCaton Blog postCheese Snail Success!
- Oh my.staff of lifeon Blog postCheese Snail Success!
- It's fun to dream though.staff of lifeon Forum topicPizza oven
- I meant bookdolfson Forum topicTFL Book?
- Wiki-likeFloydmon Forum topicTFL Book?
- Stone-Buhr flourAnnieTon Forum topicAnother flour question
- On the other hand...dolfson Forum topicTFL Book?
- Yes, yes, and yesdolfson Forum topicTFL Book?
- Porkert millAnonymouson Forum topicCan you get bread flour from a corona mill?
- Stone-Buhr is ..Paddyscakeon Forum topicAnother flour question
- Very goodFloydmon Forum topicTFL Book?
- How I use DLXzolablueon Forum topicLooking for Magic Mills users
- Count me in..Paddyscakeon Forum topicTFL Book?
- OopsMike Averyon Forum topicvital wheat gluten
- Ramona..Paddyscakeon Forum topicvital wheat gluten
- I'm wondering...staff of lifeon Forum topicOptimal amount of protein for a whole wheat flour?
- Odd....Mike Averyon Forum topicLooking for Magic Mills users
- Yes, I've used Stone-Buhr.Floydmon Forum topicAnother flour question
- Apple Walnut Crumb Photomse1152on Blog postThe Scent of Apples
- Sorry...Mike Averyon Forum topickernals or berries??????
- Yes, Yes, WaitSusanon Forum topicTFL Book?