Recent Forum and Blog Comments
- Dilute WW to get White WWlouiscohenon Forum topicSubstitute ?
- This is a seriously nice airy crumb!The Roadside Pie Kingon Forum topicGaging bulk fermentation/ dough strength continued. The aliquot method.
- Mine toorondayvouson Forum topicrusbrot's Thermophi-SD Starter w/Zoji BM
- Solodrondayvouson Forum topicrusbrot's Thermophi-SD Starter w/Zoji BM
- ok on sealingjo_enon Forum topicrusbrot's Thermophi-SD Starter w/Zoji BM
- Fermented red rye malt is theIlya Flyameron Forum topicrusbrot's Thermophi-SD Starter w/Zoji BM
- Ditto Solodrondayvouson Forum topicrusbrot's Thermophi-SD Starter w/Zoji BM
- razor bladerondayvouson Forum topicHorizontal Cracks
- Yeah, definitelyPrecaudon Forum topicThe best mixer in the world!
- Underproofed sounds like afredsbreadon Forum topicHorizontal Cracks
- Top trumpsmwilsonon Forum topicThe best mixer in the world!
- Seinfeldmwilsonon Forum topicThe best mixer in the world!
- I'd go with a Neve or SSLPrecaudon Forum topicThe best mixer in the world!
- Very Cool!mwilsonon Forum topicThe best mixer in the world!
- Grain Mill WillJimatthelakeon Forum topicGreetings! My first post
- InspiringJonJon Blog postBaklava with Handmade Phyllo from Scratch
- LameDWKon Forum topicBread lame
- Can't help with the oven, butMoe Con Forum topicBagels in a Cadco Convection Oven (no steam)
- Well, as to sourdough-like breadtpassinon Forum topicConverting Pizza Dough to Sandwich Sourdough
- First, when the dough isAdamCon Forum topicConverting Pizza Dough to Sandwich Sourdough
- I don't understand what youAdamCon Forum topicConverting Pizza Dough to Sandwich Sourdough
- Jewish singles mixerThe Roadside Pie Kingon Forum topicThe best mixer in the world!
- Some of these have moving partsJonJon Forum topicThe best mixer in the world!
- welcomejo_enon Forum topicGreetings! My first post
- Thanks for reply andRolandofEldon Forum topicRebalancing Lievito Madre
- use screen capturejo_enon Forum topicBread shape
- Lactic loadmwilsonon Forum topicRebalancing Lievito Madre
- Good one!mwilsonon Forum topicThe best mixer in the world!
- You really should check thatPhazmon Forum topicDo yeast cells reproduce in a starter or dough?
- Both LAB and yeast multiplyIntegralistaon Forum topicDo yeast cells reproduce in a starter or dough?
- Yeast is not the vilain in my opinionIntegralistaon Forum topicMy first reaction to yeast
- Just great! My oven is throwing up a code.The Roadside Pie Kingon Forum topicGaging bulk fermentation/ dough strength continued. The aliquot method.
- Somehow I messed up the implementationThe Roadside Pie Kingon Forum topicGaging bulk fermentation/ dough strength continued. The aliquot method.
- That'sMoe Con Forum topicBread shape
- Agree with Moe C - HydrationAbeon Forum topicBread shape
- ThanksWatertownNewbieon Blog postLithuanian Bread
- I'm not familiar with theMoe Con Forum topicBread shape
- Love it. Looks fantastic.gavincon Blog postLithuanian Bread
- I have both enameled and plainrondayvouson Forum topicAny experience using a 6qt Lodge enameled Dutch oven for baking?
- Too many variablesrondayvouson Forum topicMy first reaction to yeast
- Unifine, Wondermill and other modern methodsrondayvouson Forum topicWhole Grain Flour – Sifting True From False
- How about these? (German)Mini Ovenon Forum topicHard Rolls
- I can't see any reason not toalbacoreon Forum topicBaker's math for hydration & salt with varying starter
- Another batchgordybakeron Forum topicEssential's Columbia
- King Arthur White Whole Weat FlourJimatthelakeon Forum topicSubstitute ?
- Interesting. I just now used the method.The Roadside Pie Kingon Forum topicBread shape
- I texted it to myself and itmonroe_girlson Forum topicBread shape
- That may be true foralcophileon Forum topicThe best mixer in the world!
- I will try doubling the recipeNoNeedon Forum topicDelaying half the sourdough to bake two loafs subsequently in small oven, how to do?
- My dyslexic solution to the image size limitation quandaryThe Roadside Pie Kingon Forum topicBread shape