Blog posts

Butternut Squash & Cherry Bread

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

Today's bake: Butternut Squash & Cherry Bread

Source: Sourdough Recipes for Rustic Fermented Breads Sweets, Savories, and More - Sarah Owens

Note(s): Modified fermenting times, increased cherries from 10% to 18%

This bread is made from a majority of KA bread flour, some Palouse Brand Hard Red Winter Wheat-100% Extract, Organic Rye-100% Extract.

There are in addition pureed butternut squash and dried tart cherries as add-ins that provide a wonderful flavor and texture to this bread.

Lithuanian palanga rye

Profile picture for user squattercity

As I had rye malt on hand and half a bag of light rye, I decided to try my hand at this Lithuanian palanga rye, an interesting recipe that calls for a sourdough levain, a flour and malt scald, and a yeast levain. I made it with 1/3 light rye and 2/3 whole rye.

Sesame 30% WW Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

We are soon departing for warmer climes so our lovely neighbour will be taking care of our mail for us.  So to thank them in advance I like to bake them a loaf of bread.  I decided to bake them a simple Hokkaido milk bread with some whole wheat and extra flavour from toasted sesame seeds.

Panettone Progress

Profile picture for user Sourdough_Hobby

Hi all been doing some test bakes during our daily power cuts in South Africa, can’t get much bread baking done so been experimenting with panettone. Last bake below, starter wasn’t perfect but risked it.

I mostly followed Mauro Morandin recipe, replaced the fruit with chocolate and whole eggs instead of yolk, adjusted the hydration accordingly. Happy with the results so far, will use yolks next time, flour looks to be strong enough to handle the long fermentation. First dough was 15h( 22-26c ) and final proof 6,5h (30c).  


Orange Sweet Potato Sourdough Gua Bao and Pork Shrimp and Chive Dumplings

Profile picture for user Benito

For appetizers before dinner tonight I wanted to have some bbq pork gua bao and pork shrimp and chive dumplings.  This was a second try at sourdough gua bao and finally successful.  I’m not sure why the previous attempt at this didn’t work without the hit of IDY because this time the only real change was the addition of sweet potato.  The gua bao will get filled with bbq pork after re-steaming just prior to serving so the filling isn’t in these photos.

Tropical Carrot Cake

Profile picture for user Benito

So this is the big weekend where I have to have the three layer tropical carrot cake ready.  I baked the cake on Thursday, once cooled fully wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated until this morning.  Today I made the frosting and iced and decorated the cake.  The orange stuff on top is candied orange zest.  My cake carrier unfortunately is a bit to short for this decorated cake so some of the frosting at the center got smooshed.  I would increase the frosting by 50% so I’d have more than enough next time.