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Sourdough starter separated



I am very happy to have found this blog, I just started my baking journey a few days ago and have some doubts about my sourdgough starter. 

My sourdgough starter has separated into 2 parts, today was the first time I fed it (I am following a recipee from a food blogger i like a lot, who suggests to only stir it on the second day and feed it on the third day). Nevertheless, It seems like is growing quite fast. 


Profile picture for user jo_en

You can use your own bread pans in the Zojirushi Baking Chamber! 

There is a metal base on which to set your pan or you can insert a rack to lift your pan a bit away from the coils.  The rack pictured has a height of 1.5". The bottoms of pans that rest on this rack will be about 0.5" above the coils.  This is similar to the distance of the bottom of the Zoji baking pan to the coils.

Spiced Orange Sourdough Sweet Rolls

Profile picture for user Benito

I’m still down in Florida for almost another two months. I felt like baking something sweet so I thought that oranges would be a good way to celebrate Florida. I have posted about my sweet roll before, this bake adds orange zest to flavour each component of the rolls, the dough, filling and glaze. I added a hint of cinnamon so that the flavour wasn’t too one note. I don’t have a stand mixer here in Florida so I fully developed the dough by hand. It actually required 1000 slap and folds!

Guinness Harvest Grain SD Porridge Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

    I have not baked a porridge bread in a while and it was time to try a new one. I love the malty flavor adding Guinness to bread imparts. I decided to use some of the Harvest Grain mix I had purchased during my last trip to King Arthur Flour in Vermont.  It’s a mix of whole oat berries, millet, rye flakes, and wheat flakes and four seeds (flax, poppy, sesame, and sunflower).

I made the porridge with the Harvest Grain mix and added some yogurt in place of some of the water to add some additional creaminess to the dough.

Rosemary Pepper Potato Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

I’ve been enjoying using Alan’s starter for my baking here in Florida.  I have made an offshoot and I’ve fed it with whole rye.  For this bake I used the rye offshoot starter to build the levain.  My intention was to make the tangzhong with whole wheat but accidentally used King Arthur bread flour so the whole wheat in this recipe is from the 20% in the stiff sweet levain.


Profile picture for user altafkw

Last summer i visited Scandinivia, and it was an chance to explore nordic breads.

And the most common daily bread was Rugbrød the famous danish rye bread. 

It's a healthy nutritious bread, rich in protein and dietary fiber.

And Buttered rugbrød is essentially the base for Danish open sandwich smørrebrød.

when i went back home, i started reading and watching tutorials to learn how to bake it.