Blog posts

50 Percent Whole 5 Grain Sourdough

Profile picture for user dabrownman

Lucy has been crafting bread for my wife of late.  I’m still not eating carbs but she is which is good if you like to make bread and can’t make any for yourself.  We have been trying to stick to her what she likes as best we can and, this week, we didn’t add in a yeast kicker.   The 5 grains were red and white wheat, rye, oat and spelt in equal proportions.

My first challah -- oops!


Something about the holiday season and the general prettiness of them gave me a hankering to try my hand at challah bread. Mind you, I don't think I've had it since childhood, but I remember a golden, shreddable crumb under a toothsome crust.

TFL is loaded with all kinds of challah recipes and I finally decided upon zolablue's sourdough spin on Maggie Glezer's recipe, which seemed accessible enough for a relatively new baker and an absolute beginner when it comes to challah.

Dill and Black Garlic Sourdough

Profile picture for user pul

I tried to use some fresh dill from the garden. My idea was to roast few cloves of garlic, but at the time of mixing I realized that I had forgotten to roast them. So I decided to use few cloves of black garlic that I had available around here. The following were the ingredients

86 g levain (whole wheat at 100% hydration)

30 g semolina

100 g blended whole grain berries (60 g whole wheat + 40 g rye)

167 g bread flour

174 g water

4 g salt

Handful dill

5 black garlic cloves - chopped


Sunflower Rye


I made Reinhart's Sunflower Rye from BBA, and it was a nice change from our typical 10% WW/rye sourdoughs that we've been making. A tighter crumb than I'm used to getting from lower % rye recipes, but still very light.

Ricotta Whole Wheat Porridge Bread with Eggs

Profile picture for user Isand66

  I baked this one before I left for my annual pilgrimage to North Carolina for Turkey Day but didn't have a chance to post it until now.

I have to say, this one is like a Challah on steroids.  It is packed full of flavor and super moist which you expect from the porridge addition.  It would actually make a great bread for leftover turkey.

The addition of the ricotta really pushed this one over the edge and you would never know it is 45% whole wheat.