Cilantro Goat Cheese & Spicy Salami SD
Dough flour (all freshly milled):
150g 50% Whole red fife wheat flour
90g 30% Sprouted durum flour
60g 20% Sprouted kamut flour
For leaven:
10g 3.33% Starter
35g 11.7% Bran sifted from dough flour
35g 11.7% Water
For dough:
265g 88.3% Dough flour excluding flour for leaven
130g 33.3% Whey
110g 36.7% Water
80g 26.7% Leaven
9g 3% Vital wheat gluten
5g 1.67% Salt
60g 20% Crumbled goat cheese
30g 10% Spicy salami, thick cut and crisped (weight measured before crisping)
9g 3% Cilantro, leaves only
305g 100% Whole grain
280g 91.8% Total hydration
Combine all leaven ingredients and let sit until doubled, around 3.5 hours.
Roughly combine all dough ingredients except for the salt and let it ferment for 20 minutes. Fold in the add-ins. Ferment for 1 hour 40 minutes longer.
Shape the dough and put in into a banneton. Retard for 11 hours.
Preheat the oven at 250°C/482°F.
Remove the dough from the fridge to warm up for 30 minutes. Score and spritz the dough then bake at 250°C/482°F with steam for 15 minutes then without steam for 25 minutes more or until the internal temperature reaches a minimum of 208°F. Let cool for at least 2 hours before slicing.
This is a re-attempt of this formula as I over-hydrated the dough at the first try. I really like this combination that it seemed wasteful for not sharing it. Nevertheless, this time I struggled with determining when to stop the bulk so the dough was under-proofed... It had quite a lot of fragile goat cheese, which hindered me to get an idea of its degree of fermentation by poking it.
The flavor is nice though. You know for sure it’d be sweet with 50% sprouted grains, especially when they’re kamut and durum, the candies of grains. The red fife wheat contributes to some grape-like flavor, which ups the complexity by giving the bread a bit of tanginess. Since I love to serve goat cheese honey and black pepper, I thought it would go well with sweet grains and spicy salami. The cilantro is not optional: the bread would be a tad heavy without it.
Garlicky linguine with cabbages, spicy salami and seared scallops
Semola milk buns
Mixed vegetables Thai green curry with capelin, Spicy chicken drumsticks, and sweet & sour slaw with toasted cashews
Homemade dumplings (pork, cilantro and water chestnuts) I know they look ugly…
1st way: steamed
2nd way: pan fried
Japanese hot pot (enoki beef rolls, leek, fried tofu skin, Konjac Noodles and carrots), homemade udon, sugar snap peas, pea shoots & king oyster mushrooms salad with shio koji yuzu dressing, pan fried dumplings and oven fried potato croquettes
- Elsie_iu's Blog
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Even though I just had lunch, my mouth is watering after seeing these beautiful foods.
I know you're merely joking but I seriously have no intention for this... I'm only a year 2 undergraduate university student and I plan to undertake postgraduate study. Rather than cooking for a living, I want to engage in research related to Food Science :)
Cooking for oneself is so different from cooking for others, which I'm sure you're aware of as well. I'd get annoyed by picky dinners and most importantly, I obviously don't possess the level of proficiency required to be a chef.
Thanks for the kind words, Paul! You just made my day.
Amazing bake and I can't begin to imagine the flavors of your insanely great selection of food!
I'm impressed that the goat cheese remained solid in the final bake as I would of thought it would have melted into the dough. The addition of the salami really takes this one over the top and the sprouted grains always add that extra kick. I have not sprouted anything in way too long, so I must join you soon ?.
One question for you, I'm wondering why you are adding the vital wheat gluten. I never use this and don't feel the need for it at all. I know many bakers feel they need to add if their flour is too low protein.
Fantastic baking and cooking! Those rolls/buns look perfect as well.
The kind I used is crumby such that you can easily break it with your fingers, kind of like feta cheese. I imagine the super creamy type, which looks more like a cheese spread, would melt after baking.
Well, about the vital wheat gluten... Honestly I don't know if the dough needed it... Adding it always gives me a sense of security though :) Gluten is weakened after sprouting and proteolysis is boosted at the same time. When there's less gluten to start with and it also deteriorates at an elevated rate, I guess VWG would offer some help? If I'm working with a simple formula with no sprouted grains but only whole wheat and whole spelt, VWG is indeed unnecessary. In fact, I tried omitting it in a few of my past bakes, which included some gluten-free and sprouted flour, yet I messed up with something else (like hydration and degree of fermentation) so it was hard to make a comparison. I'll experiment on this again when I'm feeling brave.
Thanks for the compliment, Ian! Get sprouting: you can't stop once you're reminded of sprouted grains' aroma!
This is a picture taken at the point when I was incorporating the add-ins into the dough. Hopefully it'd give you an idea of the texture of goat cheese put into it.
The incredible amount of ingredients available in Asia is just mind blowing! And you can use them very well. By the way, nice dinner rolls!
Since my mom ate the rolls for breakfast, perhaps we should call them "breakfast rolls" instead of "dinner rolls"? Just joking :)
Having access to both eastern and western ingredients, I feel lucky living in HK too. That being said, perishables from distant countries are undoubtedly more expensive than those from proximate ones. One typical example is the price difference between various types of mushrooms: Enoki mushrooms, which are imported from Korea and Japan, are the cheapest kind of mushrooms you can get in HK, usually costing you less than 75 cents US$ per 200g. On the other hand, white bottom mushrooms exported by western countries, while still inexpensive, are sold at a price of 3 US$ per 200g. It was kind of expected when I saw them being sold at 1 US$ in supermarkets in Canada but I was so shocked to discover that enoki mushrooms had a price of 4 US$ for the same quantity!
With globalization, you can get anything you want from whichever part of the world, that is, as long as you're willing to pay the cost...
咁多好野食???, 幾乎喧賓奪主搶了包包既風頭!睇到我好鬼肚餓!
Another creative formula! Good job!
What made you pick cilantro? Not 唐芹, 西芹,etc.???? Where do you get your grains? Where do bakers buy flour in Hong Kong , 胃康,八街, or other specialty stores?
Anyway, I'll take that as a compliment :)
Why did I pick cilantro? Simple: because I love it! I don't really enjoy the taste of 芹類, whether it's the Chinese or the western variety. Celery is preferred though since it has a nice crunchy texture . I'm starting to accept their unique taste but it'll still take some time before they'd make it to my bread. I guess people tend to either love it or hate it when it comes to strong flavored veggies. My aunt hates cilantro so much that she'd spit it out immediately if she accidentally eats any (its just the size of very finely chopped 蔥花)...
I order my grains online from breadtopia since it's the only heirloom grains supplier that ships to HK (to my knowledge at least). Nevertheless, large scale western supermarkets like Citysuper carry the more common grains berries like red wheat and spelt as well. I think it's also where some of the bakers get their flour. Others probably buy it from specialty baking supply stores. The two supermarket chains you mentioned offer pretty limited choice of products as far as baking ingredients are concerned.
Thanks for the comment, Yippee! I couldn't hold my laugh when I was reading the names you made up (胃康 and 八街)!
Knew it! 我已經省略冇提City豬扒了???
Class ended on the last day of November. I won't have exams til 19th December since all 4 of my exams will happen between 19th and 22nd December. Cooking lunch wouldn't take up much of my time: probably even less than going out for lunch, which costs much more and doesn't suit my taste as well :) The "big events" 大陣仗 ones (in which there're multiple dishes) only occur once a week on Wednesday night and I don't study at night anyway.
She would eat the whole loaf in the blink of and eye. Even though I am on a low carb diet, I too would eat the whole thing pretty quick:-) All the food looks grand as usual.and I too would eat at your restaurant at least 3 times a week! Whole food quit carrying grains in their bins so now I too will have to order everything but wheat and rye online! Freight is a killer here, so it really must be bad from here to HK. I was really bummed out when I was there and complained to them that Jeff Bezos is rich enough to put some grains in his bins for heavens sake. So sad that there aren't enough home bakers anymore to keep what we need in stock in the mist expensive food store ever invented by the richest people in the world. Oh well at least your food cheered me up!
Happy baking and cooking Elsie!
I thought that since more people are milling their own flour, the demand for grains should be boosted. I don't understand why this happens... it can't be attributed to the gluten-free diet thing, can it? Freight is not too bad from the US to HK: just expect it to cost 10 times as much as the grains themselves :) That was why I chose to have my grains shipped through an agency company. It charged around US$ 60 for shipping 100 lbs of grains, which were shared between a friend of mine and me. Yet then the grains were only shipped to HK after 3 months of waiting. There's always a trade-off.
Glad you like the bread and that my food cheered you up! I hope you can regain access to more affordable grains soon. Maybe you can try gathering a group of bakers to make the request/complaint more forceful?