Blog posts

Wild Blend Rice Sourdough with Onions

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

While looking through the kitchen pantry for inspiration, I came across a bag of Wild Blend Rice made by Lundberg. I normally use this rice for a wonderful Chicken & Wild Rice Soup made in the Crockpot but I had bought too much and this bag was sitting there saying to me: “You have been lusting after Ian’s Rice breads for some time, so here I am!”. Who am I to argue with a bag of rice? Ha ha!


I have Peter Reinhart’s Artisan Breads Every Day and  between Ian’s posts and this book, I managed to put this one together. 




Decided To Sprout a few

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

Found some assorted grains tucked back in a cabinet. Sprouted them and made up a little 1-2-3 loaf.

I often forget how much wonderful flavor that can add.  kamut, spelt, barley, buckwheat groats, triticale berries, oats

Signs of life

Profile picture for user pmccool

Ian asked that I post something from my bakes (it has been ages).  So, here's today’s bread, a simple pain de compagne.  It's yeasted, rather than sourdough and will form the base for some DIY grilled cheese sandwiches for tomorrow's class.  The other bread the students will make is pain a la ancienne.

Sweet Potato-Onion Cranberry Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

I had some leftover purple sweet potatoes and caramelized onions so threw this bread together.  I thought the cranberries would make a nice addition to the flavor profile along with the nice nutty fresh milled spelt flour.

Weekly SD bake

Profile picture for user pul

Hello Everyone


Following some irregular posting, here is a bake where I am using a bit durum. You can't even see it in the final bake, but hey it is a good start.



20 g starter (10 g from each starter I have been keeping)

50 g white flour

50 g water


All levain

160 g white

20 g semolina

70 g whole wheat

157 g water

4 g salt


Over-proofed Beauties

Profile picture for user Filomatic

I knew these would likely over-proof, but I pushed it anyway.

Hamelman multigrain - 50% five whole grain, sifted with a bran levain, of course (kamut, red and white wheat, emmer, last of the sprouted spelt), with honey, a few tbs of my faux red rye malt, and a soaker containing whatever was lying around:  the last of the dried Borodinsky from last winter, teff, chia, and sunflower seeds.  I added lots of extra water during the mix.  It's all relative when working with whole grains and a soaker, but I'd be surprised if this was under 85% hydration.

It ain't' rocket science.


It is science, but no rockets. Unless, of course, you haven't gotten off the ground. Then everyone who has looks like they're flying rockets.

I've been making bread since forever. I actually taught the Egyptians the process ;-)