Blog posts

Should I change my name?

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

Hello TFLers! Long time no read! I miss all of you and this great community.

It's been a while and I've been very busy with work. I'm already three months in the service and I just harvested the fruits of my labor. You're asking why I'm asking if I should change my name? When I had my first salary, I bought an oven to I don't know how to put it into words but all of you who have done the same back then would know. :)


Profile picture for user Truth Serum

Follow the yellow brick road To Babka land.

I have done a deep dive into Babka bakingCulminating in packing two large loaves in my suitcase and traveling with them to Texas! Where they have been the hit of the breakfast brunch

I must be crazy

Profile picture for user TomK

Yesterday I did my big bake of ten loaves to take to the neighbors for the holidays. After lots of head scratching I decided to work in two batches, the second following 2.5 hours after the first. For once I had plenty of refrigerator space available but only 6 bannetons and 2 Dutch ovens (actually I have more but the oven will only hold 2).

Buns - crusty or soft?

Profile picture for user leslieruf

What recipe to make? Ihave been dithering for days. so decided to make 2 sorts and see what I end up.  Sorry Abe, might try your suggestion another tme.

Crusty Rolls

320 g flour 

3/4 tspn yeast

1 tspn salt

283 g water. 

Holiday 5 Grain Sourdough Sprouted Un-Chacon

Profile picture for user dabrownman

My lovely wife asked Lucy and I to come up with a bread to give to a married couple who are also friends, mine too, who just happen to own a very nice hair salon in downtown Mesa AZ.  They been taking care of the girl’s hair, daughter too, for decades.  The catch is, if I mess it up, my girls might look bit odd the next time they come back from the salon – which might be worth it?

Modified Vermont Sourdough


For this bake, I used Hamelman's Vermont Sourdough (10% whole rye) as my base, but I made a few modifications for flavor and dough handling. I've made this recipe before and enjoyed it, but I found the dough a little too stiff when shaping, so I increased the hydration from 65% to 75%.

I did this by making a rye soaker the night before, hydrating the rye at 100%, without reducing the water in the final mix. This particular loaf retarded overnight (around 13 hours) in the fridge.

I Make Fancy Do Bread – Now I’m Mad

Profile picture for user dabrownman

No not mad like crazy whack job mad but mad as hell none the less.  I go to Whole Foods ….eeeerrr…… whole paycheck, to get my normal load for whole grains – some oats, spelt, Kamut and who knows what else from the bins.  I don’t buy anything else there because I can get the same things I buy much cheaper anywhere else.