Blog posts

The Margot

Profile picture for user Blazingarrow

This is my first post!! Super excited. I've been checking in on this site for a while and thought it was finally time to add my own pages and tap into the wealth of information from all the bakers out there ;)

This is The Margot from Michelle Eshkeri's book, Modern Sourdough. Here is a link to the free recipe online

SIP Bakes getting better

SIP (shelter in place) causes me to very regularly make SIP (Sourdough In Place). All this possible thanks to my local baker "The Midwife and the Baker" which sells high quality bread flour and hard white and hard red wheat flour (nothing to be had for even typical low quality store flours in any store for weeks).

Practice makes perfect, and they're turning out better each time.

Help! My croissants are cakey and wet inside without layers.


Ive tried 3, 4 times to make croissants, still fails after changing multiple way of making it, in needs of some suggestion for my failed experience, my husband couldn't believe how hard it is, because every bakery sells them, so if they are really so hard to make, then crossants will be a delicacy can sell hundreds for one, which I refuse to believe!

This is the recipe for my dough

1kg flour

150g Sugar

20g salt

20g milk powder

100g butter

2 eggs

50g yeast

450g water/milk

Baguette practice

Profile picture for user algebread

Very slowly trying to make progress on baguettes.

Besides the excellent advice of alfanso, I have found Hamelman's video on baguette shaping helpful. Practicing these has made me a lot more aware of the benefits of a good preshape.


Maurizio's Country Sourdough With Less Levain & Longer Autolyse


This bread was a challenge! My flour felt thirsty at the beginning, so I think the hydration was bumped up to about 83% and easily the highest hydration, mostly white flour bread I've worked with. Bulk fermentation was much quicker than usual and I overproofed it by a bit. Even with a generous dusting of rice flour, it still stuck to the banneton quite a bit. 

Despite all of those challenges, I'm really happy with the taste of this bread. I'm going back to basics for the next bake, so I can get more practice at a hydration level I'm more comfortable with. 
