Blog posts

Sourdough Trail


This is a loaf I made yesterday. Proofed overnight then let rest on the counter for about a half hour shaped folded and let final proof in the garage for about four hours . Preheated Dutch oven in a 460 degree oven.  I use a medium sized bowl lined with cloth liberally coated with flour as final proof basket.

Olive, Rosemary, & Lemon Zest


One of my favorite flavor combinations for add-ins. 

Been playing around with cold shaping (after retard) and while I want to work out some of the caverns, overall I'm pretty pleased with the loaf. This one proofed for 2:45 after shaping and I'm thinking it could have gone longer. Any thoughts on that?

Fig and spelt sourdough

Profile picture for user Blazingarrow

I've made this one a few times and generally been happy with it but had been mixing up too much dough to fit a batard loaf in my dutch oven and the boules (filling the base) are just not user friendly to cut. I've also switched to adding a cold retard instead a same day bake, which has greatly improved the final product. I've reduced the total flour weight to under 500g which yields a very practical sized loaf.


74g rye flour, 60g water, 30g white stiff starter

Sourdough + Biga Bomboloni


done doughnuts about 5 times now and figuring a good bit out. Really pleased with these. Formula is a hodgepodge of many others and results of trials. Might try without the biga soon as my starter is getting pretty good these days mixed at 50% hydration 2x/day.


I use this dough for hamburger buns, doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, babka all with good results. Give it a shot if you’re so inclined. 

Frog Bread Revisited

Profile picture for user Floydm

I'm sure you've noticed that bread baking has been a popular way for people to keep themselves busy while in quarantine. Sourdough, in particular, has been incredibly popular and driven a ton of new visitors to The Fresh Loaf, many of whom have joined our community. But there has been another bread related trend that has also been driving traffic to the site: frog bread.