Blog posts

Swiss Raisin Meusli bread - again..


I've lost track of how many iterations of this I've made. But it's definitely getting dialed in. I didn't have all the right seeds this time round but wanted to make it this weekend and took some liberties taking it into a new direction - using a soaked oat porridge. It's a great bread but could have used a bit more sweetness. It took longer to proof with all the oats and lost some of it's sweetness as a result. I've found baking same day typically works best for sweetness of this bread. In this case I started the dough around 1:30pm and baked by 9:30pm.

Part 2 - The simple pleasures of IDY baking

Profile picture for user alfanso

For all the hundreds of baguettes that I’ve made these past 5 plus years, it is a curiosity that I have never made a traditional French baguette.  For the record, as enticing a standard French baguette may be, they are often too unexciting, flavor wise.  

The lastest bake

Profile picture for user Blazingarrow

Trying out a Sarah Owens recipe, this is her Lumberjane.


Mixed a levain at 4am before work.

10g starter, 40g water, 40g white flour and 15g buckwheat flour.

Mixed the dough at 1:45 that afternoon.

Mix by hand all the levain, 405g water, 420g white flour, 75g wholemeal flour (I ran out so made up the difference with wholemeal spelt), 20g rye.  Autolyse 20 mins.

Sprinkle over 10g salt and mix in well. I didn't have the fruit add ins ready at this stage so started the bulk ferment and added them in at the first fold.

Same-day Bake + Steam Challenge


I'm new to this site and I've been enjoying browsing through everyone's recipes and discussions. After a few years of hiatus, I've just gotten myself back to baking sourdough breads, and I finally got a healthy starter going again after more than 2 months. (of course kicking myself for getting rid of my old starter after realizing how hard it is to get it started!) I am just coming out of the frustrating period of producing hockey pucks with the immature starter paired with an inpatient owner/baker. 

Saturday's bake

Profile picture for user SaraBClever

The good news on this bread is I know my sourdough culture is strong enough, after several failed attempts this week.  However, I have to wonder (despite the great ear) if it was proofed enough.  I did the basic Tartine bread and let it rise overnight in the fridge (about 10 hours).  I'm surprised it was so much smaller than my Forkish breads, but then with many of those I've been adding instant yeast as insurance (using his hybrid dough recipe) so that could be some of the difference.  But I'm sure there's other things.  Bulk ferment not long enough?  Fin

First bake with khorasan


Enjoyed my first bake with whole khorasan. The crumb has a beautiful yellow hue and the crust darkened and crisped much better than other flours I’ve tried thus far. Flavor is pleasant, more mild than I’d expected. Really looking forward to working with it more. These two are 30% whole khorasan, 70% bread flour. 


Sourdough Pizza


I generally make my pie dough with a stiff ADY preferment but decided to convert the formula to use my stiff sourdough for a change. Came out quite good I’d say, though I think I prefer commercial yeast for pizza. The stiff preferment was noticeably less sour than the last time I made pizza dough with my starter, but this is still too sour for my liking. Will probably give this a shot again in a while and see if I can tweak the formula to reduce the sourness some more. 

Smoked Cheddar Apple Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

My partner requested a cheddar and apple bread so I put together this iteration based on Kirsten’s Basic Open Sourdough recipe.

Levain build 1:2:2

20 g mature starter

20 g bread flour

20 g whole wheat flour

40 g water


311 g white bread flour.               74% including levain

46 g whole wheat flour.               21% including levain