Blog posts

This week's bakes 201112

Profile picture for user pmccool

Michigan's deer season opens this coming Sunday, November 15.  My brother-in-law and some of his cousins will set up camp on Friday and Saturday, continuing a tradition begun by my late father-in-law.  Accommodations are rather Spartan, in the form of a converted school bus.  I've volunteered to bring bread as my contribution to the groceries for our stay. 

My favorite multi-grain sourdough bread 11-10-2020

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Multi-grain Sourdough Bread with Home-Milled Flours

David M. Snyder

November, 2020

Those who read my blog on The Fresh Loaf know that I have been experimenting with different proportions of home-milled flours over the past couple years. About a year ago, I found a mix of flours that makes breads with the most wonderful flavor. I have occasionally re-visited old favorites, but, really, this is the best of class. Of course, it is “best” to my taste. Yours may be different.

Sheeter Love


Proth5 – returning from the void! Well, hardly. But I thought my recent activities might resonate with the “old timers” – those who were posting when I was a regular on this site – and I had to break my blog silence just this once. For the new folks, beware. My time away has only brought out the curmudgeon in me.

From time to time we all see the news stories where a couple met in high school and fell in love, but something in life intervened, they were separated and went on with their lives. Then they meet in a nursing home, recognize their old love and get married.

sourdough everywhere pumpernickel bagels


these pumpernickel sourdough bagels are so good they deserve odes written to their nobility and I should have to go on a quest to prove my worthiness ?

pumpernickel everywhere bagels some topped with gruyere and some of those with habanero hot sauce. they're everywhere and not just everything because they have seeds on top, bottom, and mixed into the dough (in this case caraway seeds, aniseeds, fennel seeds, nigella seeds, black sesame seeds, hemp seeds, cracked rye, dried garlic, and salt)

Oat porridge bread


Followed Maurizo's recipe. Had thick rolled oats, so I decided to soak the oats overnight with all the salt and then cook them a bit. Then I wouldn't need to mix in salt and then porridge since I finding mixing things in later annoying. However, its probably better not to do that since it's harder to mix in the porridge evenly, so then the salt probably wasn't evenly distributed. I also threw in 100g of walnuts because I like nutty loaves. Tried coil folding towards the end to be more gentle.

Purple Sweet Potato Rolls

Profile picture for user Isand66



I love using potatoes in bread.  It gives the final product a nice soft and moist crumb.  It is supposed to also prevent staling, but I usually freeze half or more so I have never tested that theory out.  I've made this recipe before but this time I upped the amount of freshly ground spelt and reduced the amount of whole wheat.  I was very happy with the end result. The purple sweet potato is not as high in water content as the orange style and not as sweet, but it does add a wonderful texture to the bread that is worth trying.


DanAyo on Flops

Profile picture for user BXMurphy

Dear Diary,

Thus spake DanAyo, a goodly baker:

"The flop became a precious treasure because I learned something new."


This is my new mantra! I love this.

Here's a man staring into the jaws of defeat and sees a victory. And he's no fool.

May beginners like me take note. This... is the name of the sourdough game. NEVER get discouraged!

This is a hobby for me. This is how it's SUPPOSED to be. Else, it's no stinkin' fun.

Durum Egg Porridge Bread II

Profile picture for user Isand66

   I love this bread.  I've made this one many times and this is similar to my other version but I increased the amount of fresh whole wheat flour and used honey instead of maple syrup.

This has a similar flavor to a challah bread but has much more flavor from the whole grain porridge and combo of fresh milled durum and whole wheat flour.  It's a great sandwich bread and makes amazing French Toast!