Blog posts

First Attempt: Sourdough Focaccia! 79% Hydration

Profile picture for user texasbakerdad

For years I have wanted to try making focaccia, but since I am a bit obsessive about researching new things before I try them, I kept putting it off. Finally, my wife forced my hand... she made focaccia, and halfway through her bake (After bulk ferment) wanted me to step in and finish off the bake. Well, that bake went terrible, the dough had already way over-proofed and the focaccia came out quite dense.

Open crumb baguettes

Profile picture for user Doc.Dough

In reviewing a few month's worth of baguettes, I found that a batch from 9/21/20 that had a nice open crumb and an unusually long and high energy mix.  It was made with high gluten flour, 68% hydration, long mix time (5 min @speed 0 [low speed], 18 min @4 [high speed]), and 78.6°F dough temperature at end of mix.

9/21/20 (high gluten flour, 68% hydration)

Poppyseed crusted Yorkville Sourdough Baguettes No. 2

Profile picture for user Benito

I thought I’d give a go at this formula again making one small change.  With my recent experience scoring warm dough I thought I’d skip the final cold proof and be brave and score room temperature baguettes.  The kitchen is much cooler now than before so my usual 30 mins bench proof turned into a 60 mins bench rest.  I now keep the aliquot jar out on the counter with the dough when taken out of the fridge ending cold retard.

60% Whole Grain Pumpkin Boules w/ Seeds and Walnut

Profile picture for user ifs201

I made two pumpkin boules, but one with pumpkin seeds and the other with walnuts. I did 40% pumpkin (added during autolyse) and the flour mix was 40% KABF and 60% home milled in equal parts rye, hard red winter wheat, and spelt (20% each). 2% salt and 20% levain. It's a nice tasting loaf!  

Video: Detmolder 2-Stage Fundamentals

Profile picture for user Brotkraft

Beware:  this video scores high on the geek-o-meter!  So grab your favorite pilsner, get comfortable on the sofa, and prepare yourself to watch a long video outlining the science and mathematics behind the Detmolder Two-Stage Rye Sourdough Feeding Method (aka Detmolder Zweistufenfuehrung). 

This method is practiced widely throughout Germany and Austria. I have a preference for this method as it has wonderful complexity in flavor and a lot of leavening power. There is no necessity to use commercial yeast in conjunction with this sourdough.