This is for the stray canele junkies who appear here on occasion. We know that getting the tops to cook is a serious challenge. There is a lot of debate about how to mix batter, how to pour etc. I find the tops cook well only in a very thin heat range and require good timing on you temp drop. For my setup its 440F on convection with the mounds directly on stone. Then after 20 minutes a drop to 385 for another 35 minutes and Bob's yer uncle ;)
- kendalm's Blog
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you are right
now good
for another hour
maybe not
it's coffee time!
They look great, I’ve never eaten a canele I’m guessing they’re good, what I am missing out on?
whenever I give baked goods to my neighbors. I think you ought to just find a good bakery or try making them. They probably the easiest things I do. Look up 'Bruno canele' on YouTube for a good intro and recipe ;)
dreaming for days....
Did you use copper mold to get uniform color?
I use aluminum moulds and although I have 4 Mauviel coppers I have 24 aluminums. Since I bake more with the aluminum ones I get better results actually. They tend to produce a little thicker and more caramelized crust which prefer whereas the copper ones turn out a rather thin crust. The Mauviels are also very fluted and its just a personal preference that I like a straighter tower-like canele so perhaps if I invest in more coppers I think I might try the Mafter moulds. Do you bake canele and if so which do you prefer ?