Blog posts

Chocolate Bouabsa Baguettes

Profile picture for user Benito

Blasphemy, I know what the Baguette Brigade will say about these, Blapshemy!!!  Oh well, I do not care.  I was in the mood to do something with chocolate and had started the mix for these Bouabsa baguettes.  I added 100 g of Lindt 70% dark chocolate which is always a good pick me up.  I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone add chocolate to their baguettes, but I have to admit I haven’t done a search.  In all likelihood it isn’t an original idea.

Cranberry Spelt with Pepitas

Profile picture for user MTloaf

Since the baguette brigade has moved to blogging about bread I thought I should follow along. I have been making this bread for quite some time. It was one of the first videos that Trevor Wilson posted. He calls for pecans but I always use pepitas instead. I make it more often than any other bread because it is great for morning toast and is a good vehicle for Nutella. 

Cranberry Pecan-Walnut Sweet Potato Porridge Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66


If finally feels like fall here on Long Island with temps in the low 50's today.  Perfect weather for a hearty nut and cranberry bread.  If you love nuts, this one is for you.  You get nuts and cranberries in every bite.


Feel free to vary the flours and porridge ingredients and this one will still turn out a winner.  I used yellow sweet potatoes but you can use any style you have on hand.  I like to roast them until they are super soft and sweet when they are at their optimal flavor.


Country Sourdough attempt No. 1

Profile picture for user Benito

I decided I’d try to apply some of what I’ve learned making baguettes to my hearth loaves.  One thing that has been in the back of my mind for a while has been whether or not my use of high protein Canadian bread flours 13.3% protein could be preventing my heart loaves from having a more open crumb.  I know that achieving an open crumb is multi factorial and for many not worth the trouble, but it is something I wanted to see if I could eventually achieve.

I threw together a formula with:

50% strong bread flour

30% low protein (10%) white flour

Olive and Sweet Pepper Bruschetta Sourdough

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3


Sardo makes this incredible Olive Bruschetta mix as well as a Sweet Pepper Bruschetta. Ever since I tasted them, I’ve been dreaming of putting them into a loaf. So here goes:




Makes 3 loaves


Add ins:

150 g Sardo Olive Bruschetta, undrained 

100 g Sardo Sweet Pepper Bruschetta, undrained


Main dough:

700 g Strong Bakers Flour

200 g freshly milled Selkirk flour 

100 g freshly milled Einkorn flour 

700 g filtered water

Secret to a Consistent and Active Levain

Profile picture for user Brotkraft

The single most important discovery for me as a baker the past year has been the double-fed sourdough.  Up until this time, both Stinky (wheat) and Sourpuss (rye) received single feedings that would ripen overnight and be incorporated in the next morning's mixes. Of course there were many considerations and deliberations and decisions to be made: the changing temperature of the room overnight, the temperature of the water, the amount of lead time before the final dough mix, the mother:flour:water ratio, and so on, and so on.  Although I was generally satisfied with the p