Blog posts

Oatmeal Bread

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

This past weekend's bake was a new technique for me and I think it worked out pretty well.  The recipe is Oatmeal Bread from Bread (3rd Ed.).  I've made single loaves of this bread a couple of times, but it was always made straight through from start to finish.  This weekend was busy, so I did the mix on early Sunday morning and then followed Jeffrey Hamelman's recommendation to develop flavor with a straight dough and did a cold retard after 2 hours of room temperature bulk.  The dough had to be punched down numerous times and lesson learned... 

Sweet levain 1st attempt

Profile picture for user MTloaf

I was intrigued by Benitos recent bakes with a levain that contains brown sugar and decided to give it a go. It seemed to be a novel approach worth looking into. With many bakers around here pursuing Alt-sourdough lately I am surprised no one else has thrown their hat into the ring. Perhaps it turns away the purist or it's an aversion to sugar in the FWSY equation at least that was my thoughts.

busy boy

Profile picture for user yozzause

 This last weekend i  did a little trip into the countryside to an area known as the North Eastern Wheat belt here in Western Australia. It was a very good  harvest this year exceeding 20 million tonnes. The purpose of my trip wasn't to admire all the wide open empty spaces but to do a bit of bread baking tuition, Its fairly remote 236 km inland from Perth. I drove up one afternoon stayed at a great old Hotel and had a full days baking and stayed that  2nd night travelling home the following morning.

Pepperoni rolls


Having a hard time with pepperoni rolls rising after I fill them..  They come out more sticks than rolls.

If the pepperoni is cold could that be affecting the final proof? 




Also should I press out the first few inches thinner and cover over with the thicker dough?

SD flatbread

Profile picture for user Martadella

Little experiment :

Flatbread with olive oil, hemp seeds, garlic, oregano and creamy cashew sauce 😋


I used Prairie Gold whole wheat white flour and refrigerated, unfed rye starter

400g whole grain white flour

290 g cold water

6g salt

20g old inactive rye starter


I made the dough at 7:30pm, kept something like 12 hours at 65°F, then about 5 hours in my oven with a light on. The dough was extremely soft and stretchy. Next time I plan to use more active starter and shorter fermentation time

White Sweet Potato Cheese Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66
 I made a version with purple sweet potatoes and no cheese a while ago which came out excellent so I figured I would give it a go but add some nice smoked Gruyere to change it up a bit. I actually thought I was using purple sweet potatoes but silly me didn’t realize I had baked yellow/white sweet potatoes. I actually enjoy eating these better than the purple ones which tend to be a bit dry, but of course you lose out on the purple color.

The whole wheat was milled and sifted twice using my MockMill 200 and a #30 and #40 drum sifter.

1 week DYW pizza


 A date yeast water pizza crust with delayed fermentation from [here]

Mixed up a dough for pizza with 572 g of CM artisan bread flour, 411 g date and apple yeast water, 12 g salt, 20 g EVOO, and 10 g SD (as a hedge).  70 turns in the food processor + some Rubaud then in the fridge.  I'm curious how that will compare to the 3 g of yeast called for in BBA.