Blog posts

Happy Purim!

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

This year with CLAS! Will bring the treats to work tomorrow.

Here is the dough formula:

For the filling I found milled and steamed poppy seeds here - Dampfmohn (pricey, but saves a trip to Germany to buy ready made filling, or saves lots of hard manual work with a pestle and mortar). So just boiled those with milk, honey, lemon zest and raisins the day before.

Mini buns, tarts & semola sourdough

Profile picture for user Kistida

I made brioche buns and smaller loaves of sourdough recently. Smaller bakes are fun!

Instead of my usual braided loaves, the brioche with sourdough discard and Tangzhong were made into little buns (or pastries). These were not 2:1 or 3:2 (flour:butter) brioche; 50-70% butter versions. I used just 30% eggs, 30% butter which came out soft and buttery, thanks to the use of Tangzhong and Kamut. The second batch used 25% of each.

Grandma pi !!

Profile picture for user trailrunner

Bennie started it with his lemon love! This is a mixed up  crust with YW SD whole wheat and a bit of T65 and the rest AP. Toppings are mozzarella and Parmesan and black olive tapenade with pepperoni and homemade sauce. 

Lemon Tart

Profile picture for user Benito

Tomorrow is Pie Day 3.14, what do you have prepared to celebrate? Instead of a double crusted pie I decided to bake a tart today (Pie day minus 1 = 3.13 :wink:). The lemons looked really good yesterday at the market so decided upon a lemon tart which uses a pate sucrée pasty.

I like an extra lemony and tart curd so my curd has a bit more lemon zest and a bit less sugar than I usually see in the lemon fillings in recipes.

For the pastry - pate sucrée

100% Whole Wheat no VWG Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread 3.0

Profile picture for user Benito

I am presenting this bake of my 3.0 version of this bread to show how it does without any added VWG.  As I suspected the VWG really helps with getting the super tall loaf that I love seeing.  Without the VWG, the loaf is a normal profile, neither tall nor short.  I’m not mad at it.  It’s good to know that VWG isn’t absolutely required.

Panettone Journey


Hi Community,

First off, what a fantastic resource and community y'all are. Newbie here, and I almost instantly fell down the Panettone rabbit hole. I started in January and finally, FINALLY, this week I have a panettone that is beginning to resemble the image I had in my mind. I read so many past blog posts (especially Susan and MWilson) and consulted many, many recipes online, and even stumbled thru Italian sites with my 2nd grade-level Italian literacy.

YW Challah

Profile picture for user trailrunner




I had mentioned previously about converting my Challah recipe that I have been making since the mid ‘70’s to YW. I posted pics of the Apple/Raisin YW that I used on the YW topic . . Freshly fed and fermented it did an outstanding job. The fragrance is intoxicating. Crumb shot in a bit. 

Rye croutons and raisin ferment can make a bread

Profile picture for user Martadella

In a small jar I put a handful of raisins, a handful of dried sd rye cubes and some lukewarm water. I let it ferment in a lukewarm spot for 3 days. Third day evening, I added water to volume of 650ml. I fed it with a couple tablespoons of rye flour. In the morning I added more flour, to the consistency of pancake batter.  It fermented about 5 hours, then started collapsing.  At this moment I made the proper dough using all purpose flour and salt.  Didn't add anymore water. Bulk ferment was 2 hours, final proof probably around 1 hour.