Blog posts

Toasted Walnut Loaf with Blue Cornmeal and Toasted Sesame Seeds

Profile picture for user naturaleigh

I strayed from my 'usual' bakes this weekend and had some fun experimenting with some new recipes.  My jumping off point was a post for a sourdough loaf I saw a month or so ago on Breadtopia that used blue cornmeal.  That recipe called for freshly milled corn, which I didn't have, but I did have blue cornmeal in the freezer (which makes superior cornbread BTW). 

Bucket pizza dough

Profile picture for user Martadella

1000g 00 flour (Ana Napoletana from Walmart)

680g cold water

10g salt (12g in the summer) 

1-5g dry yeast, depending on the temperature (this time I did 5g)

Day before in evening put everything except salt in a small bucket, mix into a rough dough.  Let rest 30-45min. Add salt. Stretch and fold a couple of times.  Let stand at room temp for 1 hour then move into a cold place (in my case it was a cool basement, around 14°C)

In the morning divide in 200-210g pieces, form balls, refrigerate until ready to bake

Peter Reinhart's Whole Wheat and Sprouted Grain Bread

Profile picture for user StevenSensei

I have been craving a good solid whole wheat bread recently and thought I should also do some sprouted grains as well. I picked up a copy of Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads and got to reading. Of course the book starts with background and food science and stories. I enjoyed the detail he goes into with the development of this book, the recipes, and the methods specific to whole grain bread baking. 

Marbled toast

Profile picture for user Martadella

Taking it easy and testing some yeasted recipes. This one is from KAF website

Slight modifications:

Less caraway. 1 tablespoon is just to assertive 🙂

Instead of potato flour I used small boiled and mashed potato (68g)

Didn't use milk powder, instead I added 4 heaping tablespoons of plant based kefir (from homemade soy milk) 

I made dark and light doughs separately.

for Gavin and JonJ and Debbie

Profile picture for user yozzause

Australian Beaufort Red Spring Wheat was ground this morning after being kept in the fridge to counter the heat that the milling has on the fresh flour. The flour was hydrated with the water and left to stand for for 30 minutes this was then placed in my noodle mixer and another 20 g of water was added as it seemed quite thirsty. The compressed yeast was added and after incorporation the butter was added and lastly the salt was added.

100% whole-wheat sandwich loaf in Pullman pan with lid

This is Debra Winks 100% whole-wheat sandwich loaf. I've previously baked this in the Pullman pan sans lid, but my family prefers the square cut of the lid version. Increased weight from 800-gram to 900-gram and test baked. I'm happy with the result. Shaped into a blunt cylinder, I let the dough rise in the final proof to about 1.25 cm (1/4 inch) from the rim and slid the lid into place.

One lump or two

Profile picture for user MTloaf

A follow up on a sweet stiff leavain bread after the first attempt produced a decent loaf but with large mysterious cavities in the crumb. For comparison I used my usual country bread recipe and did a second control version with the normal levain minus the sugar. Both doughs got the same autolyse and coil folds and a 4 1/2 hour bulk ferment.