Blog posts

Flax and Sunflower Sourdough (Tartine 3 Modification) - Danni3ll3 @ The Fresh Loaf

Profile picture for user StevenSensei

I've really been enjoying the experiments these past few months with adding things into my bread. Olives, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Miso ... The list goes on!  As I have explored the bread I have also been exploring this website more and more. One of the recipes that stuck out was this one for Flax and Sunflower Sourdough that was modified from the Tartine 3 book by Danni3ll3. See their ORIGINAL POST HERE and you will see immediately why this was an attractive bake. 

100% Whole Wheat Sourdough Challah

Profile picture for user Benito

Building on my successful 50% WW SD Challah I baked last week I decided to bake a 100% WW version. I think based on the appearance that I was patient enough with the final proof and didn’t under ferment it this time. I didn’t want to take a chance with weak gluten so I did add VWG to this one since there is no strong flour.

Rice, Oat, and Corn Gluten Free Loaf

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

The concept for this loaf of bread came from the following video from FoodGeek.

This loaf turned out really nice!  Moist but not gummy.  The jasmine rice really comes through in the aroma but the oats and corn help give it a whole grain flavor.  It has a creamy texture and will be great for grilled sandwiches and toast!

Rosemary Polenta Pumpkin Seed Sourdough REVENGE!

Profile picture for user StevenSensei

A few bakes back I tried the recipe for this from Tartine Bread. The results were....well....unacceptable. The recipe as written in the book is flat out wrong, and while I was able to save the bread and have something to eat that week I knew it needed to be adjusted and revisited. See Original Post Here. 


After reading some replies from other kind bakers here and doing some thinking I came up with the following formula.

Groat Expectations (Buckwheat Loaf)

Profile picture for user CrustyJohn

Once more at the Tartine-style porridge/soaked grain type loaves, this time featuring buckwheat groats soaked in whey.

Bread spec.s:

Central Milling bread flour- 360g (60%)

Dayspring Farm Whole Wheat Flour- 180g (30%)

unspecified Einkorn (home milled by Jessica & James)- 60g (10%)


leaven- ~55g

water- 400g

Salt- ~4tsp


unspecified Buckwheat groats (100g) soaked in whey (200g) excess strained off (~35%)



Cracked Grain Sourdough Bread

Profile picture for user Cedarmountain

An accumulation of small amounts of various leftover grains motivated this bake, a cracked grain sourdough bread. I had some rye berries, hard red wheat, spelt, barley and whole oats, 175 g total - coarse cracked and then soaked in 70 g hot water for two hours. The bread was made with 200g fresh milled whole wheat, sifted flour, 800g all purpose flour, 20g sea salt, 220g starter and 750g water.

Taiwanese Semolina Sourdough Focaccia

Profile picture for user Benito

I still have some Lap Cheong (Chinese sausage) left over from my Lap Cheong filled buns so wanted to use some up. I’ve been wondering what to top a focaccia with to go along with the lap cheong when I saw a post by King Arthur of a Taiwanese Focaccia, so I borrowed some of their ideas and added a couple of slight changes of my own. For one I had a bit of semola rimacinata left that I wanted to use up so all the flour in this focaccia is that finely ground semolina.

Rye in a day

Profile picture for user Martadella

No time for experimenting and recipe writing.  No time for weighing the ingredients and keeping track of time! This is purely grandma style rye made in one day 


2 cups rye flour,  1 cup warm water,  4 tablespoons rye starter,  mix into a paste,  let ferment in a lukewarm spot 

Late afternoon 

Pugliese Capriccioso revisited

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

 I first posted a formula for a naturally leavened  pugliese bread 11 years ago. I fiddled with the formula and procedure a bit over several years, but I haven’t made this bread in about 6 years. Today’s version is different from some of the ones I have made before in a couple respects: First, I use an all-white flour biga rather than a mixed grain liquid levain. And, second, I hand mixed rather than using a stand mixer.