Rouge de Bourdeaux & White Whole Wheat Sourdough

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Today's Bake

Rouge de Bourdeaux & White Whole Wheat Sourdough

Based on: Tartine - Book No. 3 by Chad Robertson - White-Wheat Blend (Ode to Bourdon)

I've become interested in milling my own flour but before I took the plunge I purchased some Rouge de Bourdeaux freshly ground flour from Barton Spring Mill ( to check it out.

This is a dense mostly whole wheat bread that I am quite happy with and will put into my regular rotation.

Tasting Notes

Crumb - sour dairy with notes of plain yogurt

Crust - toasty with notes of nuts and malt

Grain Character - moderate with a slight taste of cooked oatmeal

Recipe and Process are below for those that are interested.

Roughe de Bourdeaux_White Whole Wheat Sourdough 1a.JPG

Roughe de Bourdeaux & White Whole Wheat Sourdough -  Recipe.JPG
Roughe de Bourdeaux & White Whole Wheat Sourdough -  PROCESS.JPG

That's a pretty bread, nice open crumb, amazing color. The crust is fabulous. I want to break off a piece of that crunchy grigne and taste it right now! Very nice job.

Especially for whole-wheat!

Appreciate the tasting notes too, that is something we don't get from the photos.


Thanks Jon.  I was curious about how to describe bread flavors and found this:

Author, baker, and sensory scientist Michael Kalanty can help you do that. He wrote a really wonderful article in The National Culinary Review (March 2015) about how to really taste bread


Looks good and I'm going to try it -- but why the "h" after the "g"? "Rouge" means "red" -- we're talking about a red wheat from the Bordeaux area in SW France. "Roughe" doesn't mean anything. And if asking for faithfulness to language and location is silly, what about a Youkon Golt potato.

Thanks for the loaf notes!