Econprof's blog

From the Txfarmer files

Profile picture for user Econprof

My mother-in-law loves laminated pastries, so I decided to spoil her a little bit by making a few different ones while she was here. Of course, I am also spoiling my husband and myself because we now have an abundance of riches in the freezer. Not sure whether the lamination bug will continue or whether I am all laminated out.

First up: poolish croissants,

Goan poi / poee (puffed baked flatbreads)

Profile picture for user Econprof

Here is a bread from Goa (a small state in western India) that most people may not know about. Goa has a unique bread-baking tradition because it was a Portuguese colony for about 500 years.

Poi are small pocket breads. They were traditionally made with whole grains but some recipes today use white flour, although they are still dusted with wheat bran.

Christmas baking

Profile picture for user Econprof

Ok, it isn’t all bread, but bread is prominently featured. My husband has been talking up my baking to his family so I couldn’t disappoint them. Most of this is now packed up in a suitcase on its way to Bangalore. Fingers crossed there is something left other than crumbs!

Breads, left to right:

Ginger plum loaf from the Rye Baker with triple the ginger and 1.5x the prunes

Txfarmer’s baguettes

Profile picture for user Econprof

A few weeks ago I accidentally got into baguettes. I liked the sound of alfanso’s baguettes with durum flour, fennel, pine nuts, and golden raisins, so I attempted them. They came out ok but I wanted to see whether I could improve my technique.