Blog posts

Cheddar Cheese Whole Wheat Sourdough Rolls

Profile picture for user Benito

I’ve been making mostly all white flour breads while down here this visit in Florida.  That has been because most of the baking has been for dinner parties and I never know if guests will appreciate whole grains in their bread. So for this bake I decided to sneak a bit of KA WW into the dough, 20%.  This shouldn’t affect the softness of the rolls significantly and with the cheddar cheese both in and on the rolls I figured that they wouldn’t be able to taste the WW much at all.  I decided to put 6 g of shredded cheddar cheese inside each roll.

This one's for you, Eric (ehanner)

Profile picture for user mcs

Back in the day, many twists and turns ago, there was a member of this forum who was quite generous with his time and knowledge. His name was Eric, aka ehanner. 

Some of us knew him personally as a friend and communicated with him through this forum, emails and phone calls.  

During that time period, the most popular post on this forum was his own, in which he shared his recipe for a Jewish/deli rye, known as "Eric's favorite rye". I think everyone active on this forum tried it at least once.

Mango Citrus Pie

Profile picture for user Benito

We had another dinner party for a few of our friends last evening.  For dessert I decided to make another graham crust pie since the last one turned out so well.  I reduced the sugar in the graham crust recipe down from 50 g to 20 g.  I had read somewhere that the sugar was necessary for the structure of the crust so I was hesitant to eliminate it completely.  Having now tried only 20 g I think I could eliminate this additional sugar completely.

Wild Bread: Hand baked sourdough artisan breads in your own kitchen, 2nd ed. 2023

Profile picture for user Lisa Rayner

© 2023 Lisa Rayner Books
Second edition ISBN 979-8-9879697-1-7

$9.99 USD Amazon Kindle and Etsy eBook
$16.95 print edition on Amazon

Wild Bread is one of the most highly rated sourdough bread books published in the last 15 years according to reviewers on Amazon of the first edition, published in 2009. Lisa Rayner is an award-winning author who has been baking sourdough bread since 1995.

Oat Flax Sourdough Loaf

Profile picture for user Cedarmountain

This is a bread I made one year ago Saturday for my little sister, her favourite was the last opportunity to bake for her, she died a few days later, March 9th, 2022 from multiple myeloma.  I miss her. 

Oat Flax Sourdough for Diane

Riga Rye - Rudzu Maize (Latvia)

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

Today's bake: Riga Rye - Rudzu Maize (Latvia)

Source: The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg

Note:Reduced orig TDW from 2.326kg to 1.500kg, replaced dark molasses for blackstrap molasses due to availability.


This is my 1st attempt making this bread and will definitely will be baking it again in spite of some challenges.



Claire Saffitz and Martin Philip both riffed on maritozzi recently, so I thought, why not? They are basically a brioche bun filled with a cream filling. I made some marscapone from the excess cream on the dairy shelf of the fridge and mixed it with vanilla flavored whipped cream. Following Clare’s lead, I soaked the brioche crumb with a vanilla-rum syrup. I found the prep to be a bit fussy. The final result was good but not great in my opinion. Those buns that got larger syrup infusions were significantly better than the more lightly-soaked ones which I found to be awfully bready.