Blog posts

My new French starter

Profile picture for user albacore

I recently bought some French Foricher T65 flour whilst shopping for some other flours.

I hadn't got a particular recipe in mind when I bought it, but then it became obvious that the first thing to try was an authentic "pain au levain".

I became rather interested in the original method for making pain au levain which dates from 1778 (or earlier) as detailed in Parmentier's "Le parfait boulanger, ou Traité complet sur la fabrication et le commerce du pain (Éd.1778)". The method is known as "travail sur trois levains", or work on three levains.

German whole Rye


From Maurizio Leo's The Perfect Loaf. Baked this morning - will slice tomorrow to see if I've avoided the dreaded flying crust

Einkorn Whole Wheat Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

We’re back home and as usual out of bread.  I found some Einkorn flour so decided to use it in this loaf.  No bread flour or VWG will be used for this loaf.  As I have recently started to use a stiffer tangzhong and have increased the percentage up to 20% I haven found that I don’t need to use any VWG at all and can still get a great rise for this style of bread.  So this loaf is 100% whole grain, 20% of that whole einkorn.  I also like the flavour that einkorn gives to bread, but it is definitely hard to come by around here.

Whole Wheat Loaf

Profile picture for user CrustyJohn

I    've been interested in really dialing in on making a nice whole wheat loaf this year, hoping to get to a point where I can consistently make a loaf that has enough of an airy texture + richness of whole wheat to make white flour less relevant in my repertoire.  I've had some good starts that I documented here, but I recently had a really satisfying breakthrough loaf, that I think pretty well meets my criteria for success, so I'll give it a post of its own.

Sourdough breads with pigeon pea flour

Profile picture for user JonJ

Derek and Gavin have been baking very interesting breads with (sweet) lupin flour lately. The promise and attraction of these breads is, to put it in Derek's words, "..taste delicious not too overpowering very light in mouth and stomach afterwards..." and "completely devoured in no time!".

Pullman Sandwich loaf with 16% lupin flour

Bread Evaluation Notes - Advice welcome.

Pullman Sandwich loaf with 16% lupin flour

Date Baked: 16th April 2023. 

Tangzong method adopted (5% bread flour)

Weight against Volume

I mixed 1000-gram dough @ 60% hydration. The dough was very tight, and I should have added extra water but didn’t. It became more pliable and softer during the bulk fermentation and shaping.

Whole Wheat Purple Carrot Ricotta Sourdough

Profile picture for user Isand66

 I’ve made bread with carrots before and I loved the extra sweetness it provides.  Previously I have roasted them and cut them into little pieces to add to the dough.  I decided to puree them in the mini-food processor this time.  I had seen a video on FB of a professional baker who juiced the carrots and added the carrot juice in place of the water so I wanted to try and get the carrots as liquid as I could.  They were not really like carrot juice but the pureed version did add nice purple striations to the dough.

Ploughman's Loaf

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

Today's bake: Ploughman's Loaf

Source: Sourdough Recipes for Rustic Fermented Breads, Sweets, Savories, and More - Sarah Owens

Note: Increased TDW from 1.323kg to 2.0kg


The left loaf was baked in the Challenger bread pan, the right loaf on a baking steel.

This is my first attempt baking this bread and found the dough to be somewhat sticky and loose.

Everything + Sesame Semolina


been a while since I posted anything. Been baking about 1 loaf a week of various breads but this is my new go to for weekly sandwich bread.

Final dough:

AP Flour (Shepherds Grain low gluten)           250g

Semolina (Bob's Red Mill)                                250g