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Chocolate babka, Kranz style

Profile picture for user Skibum

Greeting fellow bakers. I have not been here for a few months and am poorer for it. My baking was in a rut, so I came here for some inspiration and it paid off in spades.

My first bake out of the rut was NY Style Deli rye from P. Reinhart's, "Bread Baker's Apprentice." This is one excellent sandwich bread and keeps well on the counter.

I have been baking pulla religiously every couple of weeks and thought, why not use the pulla dough for babka?

Arugula & Morbier Cheese SD with 30% Sprouted Kamut


For those who have never tasted Morbier cheese, it’s a kind of cheese that turns very chewy when melted. Moreover, its taste is so lactic that it resembles yogurt a lot.



Arugula & Morbier Cheese SD with 30% Sprouted Kamut


Dough flour (all freshly milled):

150g      50%       Whole white wheat flour

Country Rye Sourdough with Rye Porridge and Rye Sprouts

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Hubby has been asking for a light rye so I checked out my fridge and found some rye flakes that had been there for a while. I also have 25 lbs of rye berries at my disposal so this what I came up with after searching the web and several bread books including Tartine 3. 



Makes 3 loaves 



60 g rye berries



56 g rye flakes

112 g water

30 g yogurt 


Main dough

100 g sifted Rye flour (120 g Rye berries)

Please Help


I am using organic rye seed to mill my own rye flour. The bread turned out to be a huge favorite over Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. The only issue I had was that there was almost no rye taste to the bread. Even though every last crumb was eaten with gusto by the whole family, and people were left looking for more bread, both my father and myself expect a very strong rye taste when it comes to rye bread; otherwise I may as well make plain sourdogh white and or whole wheat bread. How do I impart a stronger rye taste? My recipe is as follows:


Working on method


Still very much liking Wendy (Lazy Loafer)'s 1:2.8:4 formula, I've been trying to come up with a way to bake during the week, and I think we're getting close.

These are a 50/50 mix of T65/T110 (I believe T110 is roughly equivalent to first-clear flour), with 150g of rolled-grain scald (1:2 flakes:water) and a small handful of miscellaneous seeds (poppy and fennel, mostly). And some improvised bread spice.

Day 1 (very) late: Made the first stage of the levain, left it to ferment at room temperature until morning. Made the scald.

Brandy Buns

Profile picture for user Anne-Marie B

Leftover brandy from all those festive season plum puddings and cake.  So I decided to make Sweetened Brandy Buns for brekky in the new year. Not nearly as sweet as I expected. It is quite good with something more savoury, butter and a gentle cheese like a gouda. From The Handmade Loaf by Dan Lepard.