Blog posts

Community Bake: Hamelman's 5-Grain Levain

Profile picture for user breadforfun

This morning I baked my version of Hamelman's 5-grain Levain. I think this is one of the best breads in Hamelman's book - it is tasty, it is easy to make, and it never fails. Needless to say, I make hardly any changes to the original recipe. Some of the details of my version are:

Potato Onion Sourdough Bagels

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

Hello TFLers! I've been very busy this early in 2019, I almost have no time to post and check TFL. I'm glad I had a little time to post this. I baked this early this January but I'm only posting it now because, you know, teachers have a lot of paperwork aside from actual classroom teaching.

Sprouted Kamut Rice Potato Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

I have been meaning to sprout some flour again and finally got around to doing it.  Boy am I glad I did!  The unique flavor from using freshly ground sprouted flour is amazing.

I made 1 big loaf and about 5 rolls which I ended up eating in 2 days ?.  I do have to say the rolls were probably some of the best ones I have made to date.  The combo of rice, potatoes and sprouted flour made them nice and soft and full of so much flavor.  I am going to make another batch of just rolls next time and freeze them for later use so I don't eat all of them right away!

The Discard Loaf


I needed to refresh two starters, a whole wheat and a rye, and being a positively parsimonious sort of fellow I was reluctant to send 200g of perfectly good starter down the drain. I also needed a new loaf of sandwich bread. What to do? Oh, what to do? Well, I did a discard loaf.

In all fairness I should at this point provide a 'trigger warning' for sensitive sourdough folks. I did use some IDY. However, I offer in mitigation the fact that all flour used in the loaf and the starters was whole grain and home milled.

Levain de Campagne


From How to Make Bread by E. Hadjiandreou

  • 250g Bread Flour (BRM)
  • 100g Whole-wheat flour (BRM)
  • 50g Rye flour (BRM)
  • 6g salt
  • 150g sourdough starter (100% made with KAF AP & bread flour)
  • 300g water 

79% hydration

4 pull and fold style kneads, 10 minutes apart

overnight rest in fridge (12 hours)

2 hours on counter to come to room temp before shaping

proof in round banneton 2 hours at 75 degrees-ish (oven with periodic blasts of bread proof setting) 

Rhubarb Apple Sourdough

Profile picture for user trailrunner

This is the most amazing bread I have ever created. I used a banana bread recipe for the base. The original is on Perfect Sourdough Teresa L Greenway’s Facebook site. I had previously made her formula. In an effort to clear out my pantry I decided to incorporate new fruits but keep the other essentially the same. I have canned green Victoria rhubarb from a friend in Wisconsin. I used applesauce that I made from wild apples I picked. I created enough bubbly levain to double the formula making 4– 8x4 loaf pans. The original recipe as published by Teresa calls for discard.

NY Deli Rye, best result so far

Profile picture for user Skibum

Now that I have discovered a good source of Montreal smoked meat in town, I determined to do the deli rye from Peter Reinhart's, "Bread Baker's Apprentice." I have baked this recipe often, but this was the first time I built a fully rye starter. My previous starters were a wheat/rye mix. this time I starting from my mother, I fed with rye flour four times over three days and for the fourth and final feed added the sauteed yellow onions. After a few hours it was time to mix and bake.

Artisan Bread School 2019 Courses

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Artisan Bread School is running the following courses:

Winnipeg, Canada 1 - 5 April 2019 COURSE FULL

Fattoria degli Usignoli, Tuscany, Italy 6 -10 May 2019 PLACES AVAILABLE

Fattoria degli Usignoli, Tuscany, Italy 14 - 18 May 2019 COURSE FULL

Taking a stroll out of my comfort zone


I'd mentioned to Abe that I was thinking of rosemary and onion for my next bake (working on shaping and scoring) and he came back with a suggestion for this lovely recipe for tomato bread by Emmanuel Hadjiandreou.

Of course, why not?

The first surprising thing was the quantity of levain: 300g of 100% levain for 400g of flour! And since I wanted two 700g-ish loaves, I found myself building 450g of levain over the course of two days, after which I left it to retard in the fridge.