Blog posts

A Loaf for the Dear One and One for an Electrician

Profile picture for user dabrownman

It has been forever since Lucy made a bread of any kind or posted about it.  I don’t eat bread anymore because my diabetes is harder to control and I would rather drink a glass of wine, beer and bourbon after thinking about it - when sober. Hard to get snockered on one glass though.  It’s like being in a diet by limiting the plate size.

Old baker, new to blogs


Hello everyone.  Have been baking breads for 59 years and still learning.  Found this blog today while looking for a way to salvage an old dough bowl I purchased at a yard sale some years ago.  The bowl developed a crack and I'm hoping to save it as I love old items.  Have two old rolling pins.  One was given to me 59 years ago when an elderly lady was breaking up home and she asked if I could use it.  Yep!  Have use it exclusively all these years and it's like brand new.  Rescued another similar one from a yard sale.  Was wondering if dough can

Some Random Bread & Food


No formula really worth posting so I’ll just be sharing some recent food photos today.


30% sprouted spelt 20% durum 50% Red Fife wheat


10% each purple rice, sprouted spelt & sprouted rye ciabatta

Raisin/Date Yeast Water...Day by day, step by step

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Day 1: 08/07/2019

10:00 A,M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time (GMT -4)

  1. I decided on the dried fruit I will be using. I had some dried dates on hand and I picked up a package of one ingredient, organically grown raisins. 
  2. using 120 Degree F. domestic hot water and a new sponge I washed the containers.
  3. The containers are left to air dry.

Something Different - 40% Rye Sourdough

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

I decided that I wanted to change things up a bit this week, after falling into a rut making the same bread every week for a while.  Looking back through some of my favorite breads from the past, I decided that I would bake a rye sourdough with a nod to PiP's 40% rye.


343g AP

254g Dark Rye (Bob's Red Mill)

38g WW (fresh milled, hard red spring)

120g mature levain (100% hydration, fed WW flour)

385g Water

13g Salt

Seeded Turmeric and Leek Sourdough

Profile picture for user ifs201

After an epic failure Saturday (I decided to create my own porridge sourdough recipe and it was pancake batter), I decided to try the Sarah Owens recipe for Seeded Turmeric and Leek Sourdough from her book Sourdough. I made some slight modifications. I did 1.5x the recipe since her loaves are on the small side. 

Another community bake marriage yeast water pizza


I started this at the same as my post with  champlain leavened with yeast water, but this one fermented as expected.

Using Hamelmans swiss farmhouse as a recipe building starting point, I used 10% yeast water to start my levain.

For 4 dough balls of 230 grams for a total of 920 grams

Build 1 :

81 grams 5 stagione tipo 00

51 grams apple yeast water

Fermented for about 6 hours at RT where it tripled in size and had a nice dome

Build 2 :

120 grams 5 stagione tipo 00

76 grams regular water

137 first build


Champlain with apple yeast water


I thought this would be a good bread to test out my yeast water. Problem is, I weighed and mixed it while a crisis was unfolding and I must have weighed my water wrong. The dough was a sloppy mess and fermented so fast I didn't think I could do anything with it. I threw it into the fridge to try and reign in the out of control fermenting going on. It was 2 hours in bulk and already very proofy and I had only done 1 fold and it was just spiraling out of control. In the fridge after 1 hour it was still growing and growing, so I decided to just throw in the towel and shape and bake.