Blog posts

First bakes in a new oven 11-3-2019

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

I've been able to bake some pretty nice breads over the past dozen years or so. I give lots of credit to my oven which provided predictable, accurate and evenly distributed heat. It also retained humidity well when set to conventional baking. But it died.

That oven was installed 23 years ago. The KitchenAid folks told me the expected life span of a current production oven is 10 to 15 years. That seems short to me, but I've been told so many times by various appliance sales and repair people that, literally, "They don't make 'em like they used to."

Weekly challah


670g King Arthur bread flour

7g instant yeast (I prefer Dr Oetker brand, but it has no hechsher)

2tsp table salt or fine sea salt

5 eggs, one of them divided

1/4 cup mild honey

1/4 cup canola oil or similar

3/4 cup cold water

Sesame and/or poppy seeds, untoasted (optional)


Combine flour with yeast.

Lightly beat the four eggs and the yolk. Add other liquid ingredients and stir until honey is dissolved.

Couche Storage After 'Disaster'

Profile picture for user sscisme

Hey there! I recently had a 'disaster' in my baking pantry and found moths in my folded up couches!!

I have since washed (ugh) and ironed them - but how do I protect them from this happening again? I have traps now (gross) and all is well - but I'm afraid if I stick them in plastic or something it might get 'stale'? Thanks so much for any advice! 


Feedback on baguettes & seam-sealing technique?

Profile picture for user tortie-tabby

I've been making baguettes every weekend for two months now. I pulled all stops in this round, I made a poolish and did a 22-hour cold retard. I'll write up my entire process when I have time since I know that'll help people give me more targeted feedback. For now though I'd really appreciate some feedback on my final product and my technique for sealing the seams.

Pain de Campagne 

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Just a simple loaf. 




 Makes 3 loaves


125 g fresh milled spelt flour (125 g Spelt berries)

125 g fresh milled rye flour  (125 g rye berries)

125 g fresh milled Kamut flour (125 g Kamut berries)

700 g unbleached strong bakers flour

50 g freshly ground flax (50 g flax seeds)

800 g filtered water

24 g Himalayan pink salt

30 g local yogurt

250 g 100% hydration levain (procedure for this is in recipe)

Everything Kabocha & Other Non-Kabocha Food


It’s been a month since I last posted… That's why there are bunch of food photos to share! To save time, I didn't type out the bread formulae. Do let me know if you want them though. Updated: Formula for the Kabucha SD now uploaded.


Kabocha Sourdough 


Dough flour

Final Dough


Total Dough



Dinkel, Poppy and Gran Padano Frallor


Frallor are a small single-serving bread typically eaten as a breakfast sandwich here in Sweden. They have become a part of my bread rotation because they are easy to make as an everyday loaf. After I moved to Sweden, I had bought Martin Johansson's Bröd, Bröd, Bröd book and he has a number of variations on frallor. I'm not the best at following directions and often add my own influences to breads which has been fun to combine with the base frallor recipe since it is easy to adjust in a variety of ways. The photo above was from my most recent batch of frallor.

Abel's Catalan Peasant Bread

Profile picture for user alfanso

I’d been warehousing another Abelbreadgallery creation since our incredibly able Abel published this on TFL in Jan 2018.  And yesterday finally decided to give it a go.  At 75% hydration, this is near the upper end of my non-ciabatta type of bread limits.  Considering the length of time in retard and the growth of the loaf, both in retard as well as in the oven, I'm surprised at the tight crumb for a 75% hydration dough.  Nonetheless, a delicious slice of bread.

Sourdough Pain de Mie Maurizio’s Recipe

Profile picture for user Benito

I baked Maurizio’s sourdough Pain de Mie today.

Based on his recipe and recommendations I made a 700 g dough to fit in my 8.5” x 4.5” loaf pan, however, it came out rather small, I’d say it could easily have been 800 go for that size.

Anyhow, as per his recipe it is all white flour, 12% butter unsalted, 7% honey, 22% milk, 48% water, and 2% salt.