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So the baking continues. With three upcoming interviews I want to make sure I'm on my game, so I decided to do one of my favorite breads to make--with a twist. I LOVE making baguettes. Wait. Let's be honest...I LOVE EATING baguettes. Making them is Ok. Especially when they're higher hydration, which I find challenging still. But whatever...a challenge is a challenge and I'm not usually one to let that stop me. 

Hello, world. About me.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Favorite Baking Books:

Tartine Book No. 3, by Chad Robertson.

Whole Grain Breads, by Peter Reinhart.

The Bread Baker's Apprentice, by Reinhart.

Tartine Bread, by Chad Robertson.

Flour - Water - Salt - Yeast, by Ken Forkish.

Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day, by Hertzberg and Francois.

The New Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day, by Hertzberg and Francois.

Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day, by Hertzberg and Francois.

The Tassajara Bread Book, by Edward Espe Brown.

Today's Adventure in Baking...


It's been a long, hot summer. Well...not so long, but hot. Too hot to fire up the oven here in the house--and I hate that thought. So as the temperatures are dropping, so are the levels in my flour store since I'm making up for lost time. Add to that the fact that I'm looking for a new gig--as a bread baker and you've got the perfect recipe for....well....baking. As I was researching one of the places I was applying to today, I came across a menu item that I had not heard the name of--the Bialy. I was curious because the photo they had on their site looked tempting.

Bread with an Unanticipated Crumb: 50% Einkorn SD


This is my second einkorn loaf. The first was baked roughly half a year ago when my friend kindly offered me some einkorn berries to try out. It left me with the impression that einkorn makes a slack and sticky dough that weakens with time. For some reason, the experience isn’t quite the same this time. 



50% Einkorn Sourdough



Dough flour

Experiment: new flour and new cooker


So... one of my cloches had thru and thru cracks in the top and bottom... so had to toss it.  Got a 3.2 qt combo cooker and decided to try one loaf with  my new cooker and new sprouted wheat.  I chose an iteration of Maurizio's Sprouted wheat loaf here:

I used no AP flour, only my bread flour and also used 20% kamut.

Mind of Its Own Cornmeal Porridge & Onion Sourdough

Profile picture for user ifs201

I received requests for onion sourdough, so I decided to try a cornmeal porridge + onion loaf (similar to the porridge and shallot I made before, but different flours). I made two 900g loaves. The hydration including the porridge was very high, which made shaping difficult. I scored the loaves, but they ended up splitting open wherever they pleased! Yikes! 

Honey Oat Porridge Bread with Sesame

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3


A friend requested a loaf with honey and oat porridge. So this is it!




Makes 3 loaves 



100 g rolled oats

200 g water

45 g honey

40 g butter



75 g raw Sesame seeds 



700 g unbleached flour

200 g whole grain Red Fife flour 

160 g whole grain Einkorn flour

68 g flax, freshly ground

700 g water + 25 g

23 g salt

30 g yogurt