Blog posts

Pecan Cherry Ricotta Farro Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

It has been a while between posts.  I've been busy with the new start-up I'm working for so have not had a lot of time to post anything.  I made this tasty bake a few weeks ago.

I had found a nice surprise of Farro berries at the new Whole Foods that opened and I'm really liking the nutty flavor.  The balance of the flour was KAF bread flour along with some ricotta to soften the crumb and plenty of tasty pecans and dried cherries that were re-hydrated in water.

74% hydration soughdough

Profile picture for user Benito

I’m feeling more confident now with this sourdough recipe.  I’ve had pretty good success now that I’ve baked it a few times with the hydration lowered to 74% from about 78%.  This is Maurizio’s beginner sourdough recipe which fortunately we love the flavour of.  The only change this time was that I added 0.5% diastatic malt powder to the dough during the autolyse.

Green Olive Levain

Profile picture for user alfanso

Back once more from roaming the earth and, within way less than a day home, my wife coaxed me into thinking about a next bake.  I left it to her imagination what would be next, but she deferred to me.  

In the past I'd baked the Hamelman black olive levain a few handful of times, particularly in response to our building's chief engineer's constant "whining" about when I'd bake it again and slip him a loaf.

01st bake: SOTSOT*

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Here's my plan.  This is based on past loaves, where I've measured, and where I've not measured; but this is not an exact duplicate of anything past.  (SOTSOT = some o' this, some o' that.)

Started: Tue, Oct 15, 2019.


Hello! First post and first bake

Profile picture for user Doughy

Hi all! My name is Kris I live in Girvan which is in Scotland. This is my first bake using a yeasted dough (milk bread recipe). The batch baked rolls seem to have turned out ok. Whereas the loaf needs work. Not sure what I’ve done wrong. Maybe under proved? 

Practice makes perfect. I think next time I will try and tighten up on my shaping and prove for longer.