Blog posts

Best no Knead?

Profile picture for user Jim Burgin

What is the bEST no knead formula?  Best for large holes in crumb, high taste as a result of long fermentation, crust that is wonderful but will not break my jaw?    Thanks@

3rd bake with my new Challenger bread pan

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

Just sharing my 3rd bake with my new Challenger bread pan. Until recently I've been struggling with steaming in my oven but as you can see I think 'problem solved'!


I'm happy with the crust and flavor but I need to work on the rise - I'll be working with the starter feeding times.

Another Buckwheat/Oat Variant

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

This is my stand-by bread.  One of these days, I need to finalize a recipe and stick with it.  For this one, I eliminated the oat flour and reduced the buckwheat flour.  The sorghum, buckwheat, and barley flours were used for a mash, and buckwheat and oat groats were used in a hot water soaker.

Loaf flattened a bit versus springing, but the crumb turned out nice and moist and fairly open.  I keep wanting to make this a hearth loaf, but it's tricky getting it right with the level of gluten free flours.  I may just start keeping this a pan loaf.

25% whole wheat "sourdough" with CLAS

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

Decided to try to make "traditional sourdough" style bread using CLAS and CY. Mostly standard formula, 25% whole wheat, 75% hydration:

I used a week-old CLAS from the fridge, and I pre-warmed it before mixing, like recommended for wheat doughs. It contained 5% of all flour for the bread, like recommended for 1st grade or high gluten flour. I reduced the yeast from recommended just a touch, since I didn't want to open a new packet, so 2.4g instead of 3 g IDY.

This week's baking

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Number 2 son and his family are visiting. This is the first face-to-face family contact we have had in a year and a half. It's so nice. It's also an excuse to bake. Here's a sampling of what I've offered ...

Jewish sour rye and Berliner Landbrot

San Joaquin Sourdough Baguettes and Epis

Getting creative with Packaging

Profile picture for user kendalm

I give a lot of bread away to my neighbors and so decided to have a bit of fun and create this packaging...and alter-ego...and fictitious city.  All fake, but the bread is the real deal - 

Boomshanka y'all !