Nov 20, 2021.
Went shopping at a tiny Russian grocery store in Carmel, the suburb just north ot Indianapolis. I got some rye flour from Lithuania, a Russian salt/spice/herb blend, 2 loaves of different kinds of rye bread (made in the Chicago IL area), and a Russian sweet cream cheese spread.
Bread and cheese spread in next post.
"Viso grūdo" means "whole grain,"
"ruginiai miltai" means "rye flour,"
and "rupiai sumalti akmeninėmis girnomis" means "coarsely ground with stone groves" according to duckduckgo's translate.
Miller's web site page for this product:
The flour was $5 for 1.75 kg/3.85 lb, or $1.30/lb, which is reasonable.
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Seems nuts to ship rye flour to an agricultural superpower though.
I'm going to wait until I finish eating up the two store-bought rye loaves before I open and use this rye flour.
Bob's Red Mill sells 5 pounds (4 packages of 20 oz) of organic whole rye flour for $12.79. That works out to $2.56/pound, plus shipping.
It's been hard to find rye flour at retail since Hodgson Mill was bought out and stopped selling rye flour.
Then stopped selling "re-packs" of rye, and stopped selling all retail.
Even though my local Kroger grocery has a Bob's Red Mill section in the baking aisle, they don't carry BRM rye flour.
BRM sells rye in only 20 oz and 25 pound packages. BRM's 25 lb rye packages sell for $38.90, or $1.56/pound.
Two big flour companies mill and sell rye in the US: Bay State Milling and Ardent Mills. But they sell only wholesale in 50 (and maybe 25) pound bags. I don't know who is breaking those down to smaller retail packages. CLNF (see below) may be re-selling Bay State or Ardent Mills.
Bob's Red Mill is a "boutique" miller and charges a premium price.
Country Life Natural Foods sells organic whole rye flour in 5 and 25 pound bags, (as well as whole rye berries) but I don't know where they source the flour. 5 lbs for $6.15 (plus shipping), or $1.23/pound. Much more reasonable.
I'm fortunate that our local mega-grocery chain carries both BRM dark (whole) rye flour and KA medium rye flour. The price for the KA rye is actually lower than KA's list price! But I do buy the CLNF whole rye flour. I don't think CLNF is repacking Ardent Mills or Bay State Milling because CLNF's flour is organic.
I lament the closing of NYBakers retail site. Maybe I should visit our local Eastern European food store to see what I can find, especially if they stock rye meals.
Heartland Mill in Kansas has both whole rye and light rye wheat berries and flour. They have a pretty good deal on shipping for the 22-lb flat rate pack, which is how I usually mix and match my orders (to fit in the 22 lb limit). The quality is outstanding and everything I believe is organic. I've tried a wide variety of their products and haven't been disappointed with anything yet. I especially like their Golden Buffalo flour (somewhere between bread flour and whole wheat). You do have to call to place an order as they do not have an online option.
Next photo has Bob's Red Mill stone-ground WW on the left for comparison: