nicoaag's blog

Levain feeding schedule


I bake 2 loaves of country bread once a week always with slightly varying formulas and methods. This week I tried only feeding my levin once a day for the whole week and building up to the amount of levain I needed on bake day by feeding it twice before mixing into dough. Previously I had started feeding levain twice a day 3 days before bake and three times a day starting 2 days before. I tried this new method in order to minimize waist since I rarely use levain for other purposes and to go through flour less quickly.

Tartine Country Loaf


I have been baking from the Tartine Bread book for some time now with varying success. I am mostly playing around with bulk fermentation times and proofing times to see what the impact on the final product has. My most recent loaf had a pretty good uneven crumb but was still a little denser then what I want, and did not have the desired oven spring. Before hand I had been putting huge emphasis on the correct amount of bulk fermentation time and I think I have gotten that down pretty good.