Dabbler's blog

Okay. THIS time I think it is sourdough.

Profile picture for user Dabbler

I managed to get my starter tripling so I figured it was time to attempt another bake. 

It's looking good but not quite right yet. Good ferment/sour notes in it, but the crumb was not as even as I'd like. I was having to do a lot of adjusting of times on the fly and having to go by feel. We are just coming out of a cold snap where I am and the temperature in the house has not been consistent as well as being pretty cold at night in particular. 

Okay... So, this was supposed to be sourdough

Profile picture for user Dabbler

I have been making a starter and it was doing okay i think. I wasn't being very rigid with it, but it was living and smelled amazing. I am currently trying to create bread with it. I have low hopes as of the stage of mixing it into dough as it just seems off but I will update this when I get closer to the end.

A few hours later... 

Whole wheat honey loaf

Profile picture for user Dabbler

Made this soft and sweet sandwich loaf.

Still learning, but this is my favourite kneaded bread so far. I've used this recipe for cinnamon buns and mini loaves as well. It holds shapes really nicely. I have made pumpkins, skulls, snakes, and snails for example with it. 

I forgot how time works...

Profile picture for user Dabbler

I'm making myself a 12 hour fermentation no knead bread and my brain decided it needed 24... I noticed my mistake around hour 23... I should have noticed it earlier as I've been scrambling for hours trying to soften the "rind" that formed during the rise. 

I'm soldiering on. But I don't think there will be anything left for the second rise now that I've folded it.

It smells fantastic, but I think it will be small.