Recent Forum and Blog Comments
- It is better to wait, but IFloydmon Forum topicWaiting to cut it
- The bread was good, with aKipperCaton Forum topicNYT/Lahey no-knead sourdough question
- Hot breadRosalieon Forum topicWaiting to cut it
- Great timeline breadnerd, Ipumpkinpapaon Blog postEarth oven construction, part 2
- Interesting - I looked at aKipperCaton Blog postKneading Slack Dough by Hand
- I still see those round pansKipperCaton Forum topicAn ode to weird bread
- Blue Ribbon Frenchmarianaon Forum topic100% sourdough bread from The Taste of Bread by R. Calvel
- Thankszolablueon Forum topicFormula issues in Leader's Local Breads
- Yeah, but I forgot to mention that heredolfson Forum topicFormula issues in Leader's Local Breads
- Dolf - update?zolablueon Forum topicFormula issues in Leader's Local Breads
- Flouring bannetonsdmsnyderon Forum topicHow to flour a banneton?
- Thank you ZolaBlue. I toosusanfnpon Blog postAnother Miche
- Hill ovensusanfnpon Blog postEarth oven construction, part 2
- Momentary homesicknessJMonkeyon Forum topicStarter smells rotten
- flouringbrowndogon Forum topicHow to flour a banneton?
- After reshaping, it's good to letMini Ovenon Forum topicEye opening techniques
- Maybe under pasta machinesMini Ovenon Forum topicRetarding half of dough during Make-Up
- Yup, little ball it is...aladenzoon Forum topicRetarding half of dough during Make-Up
- tried that... didn't work...ejmon Forum topicEye opening techniques
- had one upstart starter smellMini Ovenon Forum topicStarter smells rotten
- Mini fridgeL_Mon Forum topic100% sourdough bread from The Taste of Bread by R. Calvel
- Susanfnp, muddy cracksMini Ovenon Blog postEarth oven construction, part 2
- Unless you have a machineMini Ovenon Forum topicRetarding half of dough during Make-Up
- Beautiful Challahsusanfnpon Blog postBack with some challah
- hmmm....aladenzoon Forum topicRetarding half of dough during Make-Up
- On hypodiasticity and proofingstaff of lifeon Basic pageQ & A with Peter Reinhart
- Glad I reminded you..Paddyscakeon Forum topicWhat did you grow up eating?
- over proofing ejmehanneron Forum topicEye opening techniques
- re: bench knifeejmon Blog postKneading Slack Dough by Hand
- I don't even own a stand mixer...ejmon Forum topicEye opening techniques
- better banana breadearthygirlon Basic pageBetter Banana Bread
- New adventuresL_Mon Forum topic100% sourdough bread from The Taste of Bread by R. Calvel
- *sigh*browndogon Forum topicStarter smells rotten
- starterAnnieTon Forum topicNYT/Lahey no-knead sourdough question
- Sour differenceslidethingon Forum topicmore sour - same starter - divided
- NutrimillSrishtion Forum topickernals or berries??????
- starving starterslidethingon Forum topicmore sour - same starter - divided
- It will be interesting toKipperCaton Forum topicmore sour - same starter - divided
- Lots of people with breadKipperCaton Forum topicMaking homemade bread mix
- And besides the energyKipperCaton Forum topicNo Knead to Preheat???
- Congratulations! Wish IKipperCaton Forum topicMy 1st Sourdough Loaf
- No - not starving the little critters ~ I hope notslidethingon Forum topicmore sour - same starter - divided
- Thanks Annie - we do tend toKipperCaton Forum topicNYT/Lahey no-knead sourdough question
- Cutting small shapesMini Ovenon Forum topicRetarding half of dough during Make-Up
- :)Mini Ovenon Forum topicmore sour - same starter - divided
- Slide, I hope you're notMini Ovenon Forum topicmore sour - same starter - divided
- Your "Sink Sandwich"Oldcampcookon Forum topicWhat did you grow up eating?
- sourdough NKBAnnieTon Forum topicNYT/Lahey no-knead sourdough question
- Beautiful michezolablueon Blog postAnother Miche
- taking heatbrowndogon Forum topicNo Knead to Preheat???