Not everybody's darling ...

buckwheat wheat sesame

33% Buckwheat, 67% white flour, PM, sesame seeds on top.

The typical slight bitterness, peatiness of buckwheat is for sure not everyone's taste. We like it a lot. Perfect match with honey. The sesame seeds on top are a must.

A bit flat because of the high buckwheat percentage.


I wanted actually a more uniform honeycomb crumb structure. Maybe next time ...

Beautiful loaf. I grew up eating buckwheat pancakes, and I love the flavor. I usually bake bread with about 20% buckwheat flour and add toasted groats to up the buckwheat flavor. 


Lovely looking bread, I'm always impressed when folks can pull off "gluten-free" [1] stuff like this. Especially since it seems you didn't use psyllium.


[1] okay, low gluten!

Thanks for your comments, @Booda, @JonJ and @Benito

Yes, it's only low gluten. Not on purpose, just because we like the taste, especially in combination with the sesame seeds on top.

No toasted buckwheat flour. I make a water roux with (part of) the buckwheat flour. Still experimenting with the percentages.

Not quite sure if the term water roux is really correct, since I keep the water + flour mix boiling (and mixing) for a few minutes until it has the proper consistency. Just using hot water is (in my setup) a very unreliable method. It's hard to predict, how much heat dissipates (container, flour, ... are actually cold). A source of heat makes everything easier.

We are just finishing a container of Buckwheat honey. We love the flavor. We also eat soba noodles a lot especially in Summer. I’ll have to try the groats and mill them . 

I think your water roux is mostly like a Tangzhong? I’ve just started using my version of a Yudane … like the Tangzhong but more of a scald since no cooking. It definitely makes the crumb amazing. Wish I’d started doing it years ago. Old dog/new tricks! 

I made a bake with 21% buckwheat that came out great with good oven spring.  Your crumb looks very good.  Maybe try cutting the buckwheat % back a little or use a high gluten flour to help the dough strength.