sparkfan's blog

mwilson's Burger Buns with LM


A friend of mine decided a few days ago to kick off the BBQ season, albeit on short notice. Still, it was a good opportunity to try mwilson's burger bun recipe. Pls check his blog for the original recipe.

Said and done, I had to skip the cold bulk fermentation. Even then, the time was a bit tight for the final proofing.

My flour has pretty sure a bit less protein than the one in the original recipe. Needed 2-3x stretch & fold.

Experiment with new no name flour


Just out of curiosity started an experiment with some no name(*) white flour (soft wheat) from the supermarket, protein 11%-12%. Nothing special, I assume the amount of gluten is rather below average.

I'm curios, how far I can go. Started with 5% whole wheat, 5% rye, 65% hydration, cold final proof. I'd prefer warm final proof, but was not possible because of time constraints.

A Panettone Break


For a change a 100% wholemeal rye bread. Before and after the bake. The final proofing was probably a tiny bit too long. Got distracted and almost forgot about it.



Panettone Saga Step 2 ...


Managed this time to keep the panettone in one piece 💪 very shreddy, oven spring is still work in progress. Open crumb is far away ...

Considering that the PM was maybe a tiny bit too lactic (and I couldn't wait longer for the next try), I'm pretty happy with the structure. And again I learned a lot. Panettone must be an endless learning process.


After some time in the oven (10min???) ...

Not everybody's darling ...


33% Buckwheat, 67% white flour, PM, sesame seeds on top.

The typical slight bitterness, peatiness of buckwheat is for sure not everyone's taste. We like it a lot. Perfect match with honey. The sesame seeds on top are a must.

A bit flat because of the high buckwheat percentage.


I wanted actually a more uniform honeycomb crumb structure. Maybe next time ...