Neapolitan Pizza and Teglia Romana

Profile picture for user Antilife

Hi Guys,

my name is Stefano and i'm a pizzamaker from Italy. Every week I make some style of Pizza.... here there are some images of my works.

With Neapolitan i prefer use Sourdough, but for pizzeria the use of Fresh yeast is more easy

Other my prefered style is Teglia alla Romana, using only Fresh Yeast and studing a lot on toppings

My personal web page is :   and every week i will add some pizza with receipt. 

New Year Pizza...... 

90% Denti Zero+ W340 
10% Semolina
80% hydros 
0,7% fresh yeast 
2% Evo
2,5% Salt

the balls needed more time but I had to stretch and bake with dough not ready

Test Sourdough Bread:

100% Denti Zero+ w250
70% idro
20% licoli
2% sale
5h TA

More photoshop and infos:

CHALLENGE "Long CF" versus "All RT"

Dough Long CF:
100% Denti Anima Verace
63% Hydros 
0,1% fresh yeast
3% Lard
3% Salt

Dough All RT:
100% Denti Anima Verace
63% Hydros 
0,1% fresh yeast
2% Lard
3% Salt

Best Taste: Long CF
Best Visual Pizza: All RT
Best Managing dough: All RT

More photo and infos:


Usual dough...... test on toppings

Finally we are ready to build our first Teglia Romana reseller. The name is FERMENTUM that mean Sourdough in latin

10% Semolina
90% Denti Zero+ w340
80% hydros 
0,7% fresh yeast 
2% Evo
2,5% Salt

More photoshop and infos:

here you can find some photos during my last Teglia Romana course:

Nessuna descrizione della foto disponibile.


Oh my God! This is my Paradise. I immediately run to try all your recipes (I'm fat, but happy).

Hi Antilife,

Your pizzas look amazing. Thank you for all the informations you posted here.

I recently bought Semolina rimacinata and I was wondering if I can do a pizza dough 100% with this flour. Do you have any advice regarding this.

With what type of flour can I replace the flour you use?

Thank you.


Hi Fiorentina, 

Depend which of product you need to make. 

You can use for teglia romana or neapolitan. Remember that semolina have a p/l extremly high and this is a problem for extensibility. A 100% is better for Teglia than Neapolitan, but in my own opinion Durum Wheat is the tastiera Flour. 


Thank you for answering. I was thinking to do Napoletana with Lievito Madre an 17 hours of fermentation RT.

Below I post pictures with the flour I bought. In italian is written on the bag Semola rimacinata and in English is translated Durum wheat flour. Also it is a 12% protein content flour and about 15.5% humidity.



Profile picture for user albacore

Stefano, I have been using Caputo Pizzeria Blue flour, but I find it lacks extensibility. I am now using a lower protein flour - Grandi Molini Frumenta Tipo 0, 10.7% and I like the results much better.

How do the Molino Denti flours that you use compare? And how do you mix your doughs?


Sorry for the absence.....

in this months i started the new Bakery Lab, a reselling shop, partecipate to TuttoPizza in Naples, Cibus in Parma and Vinitaly in Verona.I never stop to make neapolitan pizza, but time was short and I tried to solve a thousand of problems.
I'm back with a short leavening with preferment 

25% Poolish 12h(Denti W380 with 0,1% of fresh yeast)
75% Denti Zero+ w250
65% hydros
3% Salt
4h+8h all RT


More photos and infos:

My last jobs here:


Hey Stephano,

You are a maestro artista!

i went to your website, but my Italian language skill is very low.  I’m interested in many of the combination of toppings that you use on your pies. Do you have these in English anywhere or maybe on Facebook, where I can use a translater 

I use a spiral mixer, have a brick oven, use natural levaine, mill my own flour, except for the Caputo, which is 50% of my dough recipes, the other 50% is my stone milled flours.  I’m make strong white, and whole wheats that are #20 mesh screened, which are Kamut, Spelt and White hard wheat.

Im planning to go into business, but am at the test kitchen stage.  I worked with a Calabrese family in Laguna Beach for 7 years, and in their restaurant is where I learned my appreciation!

Id love to learn from your generous posts, and appreciate those who teach and share wisdom and knowledge, as I am in that camp myself?

