Neapolitan Pizza and Teglia Romana

Profile picture for user Antilife

Hi Guys,

my name is Stefano and i'm a pizzamaker from Italy. Every week I make some style of Pizza.... here there are some images of my works.

With Neapolitan i prefer use Sourdough, but for pizzeria the use of Fresh yeast is more easy

Other my prefered style is Teglia alla Romana, using only Fresh Yeast and studing a lot on toppings

My personal web page is :   and every week i will add some pizza with receipt. 

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Now I am hungry! Seriously, those are probably the best looking pizzas I have ever seen!


Your pizza's look amazing! You're obviously baking in a wood fired oven? I love the crumb picture! I have to try some of your recipes! In the recipe above some questions:

- lard: what do you use?

- 48h(41hCF,7hRT) : please explain?

- 250gr balls, mixed with diving arm: diving arm?

-  Burn with F1 p134h mod byFDM: ??

Thank you!!

Lard of Pig "Strutto" or "Sugna"in italian

48hours , 41h cold fermentation in mass , 7 room temperature in balls

Diving Arms is a kind of mixer. My brand is Bernardi Miss Baker Pro

F1 p134 is an electric oven.


Profile picture for user dablues

Great bakes, send some to me!  Only kidding, but wonderful!

Do you have any advice for hand mixing these doughs? 

For the Teglia Romana, do you retard at 5C ? and for how long?

Diving arm is created to simulate hand mixing. Time and strenght to dough is similar.

I use a lot of receipts for Teglia Romana ,24 or 48 hours.... you must wait next week ;)   keep in touch

I tried to make a teglia romana today using sourdough, however the results wasn't too great. It was 75% hydration, using a mix of bread and whole wheat (20%) flour. I let it sit outside about 4h and then in the fridge for 20h. However the resulting dough didn't rise much in the oven, and was not so fluffy. I'm not sure if it was over proofed maybe or just my skills when shaping the pizza knocked most of the air out.


For Teglia Romana, you can't use Sourdough. Every product has own perfect yeast. TR need of power to growth in pan and sourdough is really slow....or you must use big % of it........ and the taste became terrible.Perfect yeast of Teglia Romana is fresh yeast at 0,7%/Kg.  Remember that ifyou put in fridge a dough with sourdough ,it remain blocked. Teglia Romana is one of more difficoult pizza to make and need of study and the Baguette of Pizza

2nd Test with rye flour dough
85% Dallagiovanna 0R Verde
5% Rye Flour Mulino Marino
10% Semolina
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% EVO
2,5% Salt
I work around the mix goving more strength to dough ,improving gluteen bonds.
I think my best structure.
More photos and infos to:

How much dough do you use for a 40x30 pan or per cm2 ?

Do you need to have those blue iron pans for best results? (ferro blu?)

After mixing do you do any folds ? Or just let sit in fridge for 24h? How many hours in room temp and then how many hours in fridge? You said 41CF+7RT so I'm curious which order it is in. I want to give it another try. I found some "Buratto flour Tipo 2", which looks quite high quality. I want to try with this and some fresh yeast!

1) 600gr (bxh)/2

2)Blu iron pans

3)With Spiral mixer, no folds

4)41h in fridge in mass, balls  and 4h at room temperature!


I don't have a spiral mixer unfortunately :( so maybe I should give it a folds in the first few hours?

So basically after you mix it, you shape it into a ball and put straight into fridge? and then 4h in room temperature in the end?

If you make a good dough with the right Strenght you don't need to fold it.

After mixing i put all the mass in fridge and shape in balls when i put at room temperature

During the course on Sourdough, I prepared these two doughs for the students

Neapolitan Dough
90% Denti Anima Verace 00
10% Infibra W300 Tipo1
65% hydros
5% sourdough
2% lard
3% Salt
16h(1+15)Alla RT

Pizza al Metro Dough.
70% Dalla Giovanna 0R Verde
30% Mix In fibraW340
75% hydros
5% sourdough
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% Salt
More photoshop and infos:

Event for 80 persons
22 pans of Teglia Romana for 11 Toppings
80% Dallagiovanna 0R Verde
10% Semolina
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% EVO
2,5% Salt
I had anemy on the top of the pizza because the oven not always at higher tamperature. For time issues i had to bake in any condition.

Photos ,Infos and Toppings on my site:
Facebook Site:

My prefered Doughs in challange.......

100% Dalla Giovanna 0R Verde
75% hydros
5% sourdough
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% Salt
48h(38CF+10RT) with spiral mixer

90% Denti Anima Verace
10% Semolina
63% Water
0,16% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% Salt
250gr balls, mixed with diving arm.

The Winner is:   63%  Denti Anima Verace!!!! 

More photo and info at:


3 doughs for a private Event with 30 persons:

Dough 1
25% Poolish 12h with 0,1% of fresh yeast and Infibra W380 Flour
and final dough with:
75% Denti W240 Test Flour
62% Hydros
0,1% fresh yeast
2% Lard
3% Salt
12h(4+8) All RT
Spiral Mixer

Dough 2
90% Denti Anima Verace
10% Semolina
0,17% Fresh yeast
3% Lard
3% Salt
with Diving Arms Mixer

Dough 3
100% Denti 002
75% hydros 
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
with Spiral Mixer

New Poolish dough impress me.

More Infos and photos at:

Test Number 2 for Poolish Dough at my home:

Same Friday Dough:
25% Poolish 12h with 0,1% of fresh yeast and Infibra W380 Flour
and final dough with:
75% Denti W240 Test Flour
62% Hydros
0,1% fresh yeast
2% Lard
3% Salt
12h(4+8) All RT
Spiral Mixer

Great Tast but a lot of anemy. Better try with a more strength flour.

More Infos and photos at:


Another Test , but with a new weak flour prepared for me by Molino Denti

70% W240 Denti 
20% Infibra W300 Tipo1
10% semolina
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
30h (26CF+4RT)
Next Time with weak flour is better add more yeast

My last Pubblic Event in Modena (Italy)
18 Pans of Teglia Romana

2 Doughs:

90% Denti 002 
10% Semolina
80% hydros 
0,7% fresh yeast 
2% Evo
2,5% Salt

70% Dallagiovanna 0N Blu 
20% Infibra Tipo1 W380
10% Semolina
80% hydros 
0,7% fresh yeast 
2% Evo
2,5% Salt

I used all strong flour and long maturation to have the most simple and light dough.
A great Degustation of my prefered toppings:

Peccati di Gola: Yellow Datterini,smoked pork pillow,barricade honey and almond grain
Oro degli Dei : Tropea onion marinated in juniper berries,Grilled Eggplant ,Cherry Tomato Confit and solid smoked ricotta cheese
Sole D'Estate : courgette flowers, Yellow datterini, Mora Romagnola Sausiges and traditional vinegar of Modena

more infos at:
Facebook Page:


Shots from last course of Teglia Romana at Rome (location Colosseum)

90% Denti 002 
10% Semolina
75% hydros 
0,7% fresh yeast 
2% Evo
2,5% Salt

the classmates hand mixed, prepared the balls, stretch in pan and baked his own Pizza in Teglia.
the participants from all over Italy brought products from their territory to taste

More infos and photos:
Facebook Page:

Testing the new Moretti oven at DentiLAB with my new Denti flours. for 2 different doughs....... keep in touch!!

Pizza in Pala:
100% New Denti Flour W250 (mid streght)
72% hydros
0,35% ady
2,5% Salt
2% Evo
6h(1+5) All RT

Teglia Romana:
90% New Denti Flour W340 (strenght)
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2,5% Salt
2% Evo 

Great Oven....i changed baking temperature and times understanding how this Moretti works.

More infos andh photos at:
Facebook page:

Dough with Poolish:

25% Poolish 12h with 0,1% of fresh yeast and Infibra W380 Flour
and final dough with:
75% Denti Anima Verace
62% Hydros
0,1% fresh yeast
2% Lard
3% Salt
12h(4+8) All RT
Spiral Mixer

Direct Dough:
90% Denti Anima Verace
10% Semolina
63% Hydro
0,18% fresh yeast
3% Lard
3% Salt

I'm sperimenting new toppings
More informations at:

Presentation of my new flours  Zero+ W250 (Weak) and Zero+W340 (Strong) created by the mill DENTI. A mix of products with % of Buckwheat ,Rye,seeds and broken grain.

Teglia romana:
10% Semolina
90% Denti Zero+ W340 (strong)
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2,5% Salt
2% Evo 

Pala Romana with Buckwheat and Chia Seeds:
10% Semolina
10% Buckwheat and Seeds
80% Denti Zero+ W340 (strong)
75% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2,5% Salt
2% Evo 

Pala Romana with Broken Grain:
10% Semolina
10% Broken Grain
80% Denti Zero+ W250 (weak)
75% hydros
0,9% fresh yeast
2,5% Salt
2% Evo 

Focaccia with rye and Seeds:
50% Rye 
50% Denti Zero+ W250 (weak)
65% hydros
1%  Ady
2% Salt
2% Lard 
7 (1+6) All RT

For now, they have been submitted to agents, but in January they will start distributing

More infos andh photos at:
Facebook page:

Neapolitan Pizza Tasting Event in Modena with 3 my best Toppings:
"Vecchia Modena" (Ancient Modena): Parmisan Cream, Tosone (ancient poor cheese waste of parmisan), Mora Romagnola Bacon, ance Traditional Balsamic Winegear 25 years
"Bunesma" ("The very good woman" in Modense Dialect) :pumpkin cream,porcini mushrooms,raw ham of Modena, Parmisan
"Stella Alpina" ("Alpine Star"):Radicchio Cream, Yellow Datterini Tomatoes, Colonnato Lard

2 Dough for event:
25% Poolish 12h with 0,1% of fresh yeast and Infibra W380 Flour
and final dough with:
75% Denti Anima Verace
62% Hydros
0,1% fresh yeast on total flour
2% Lard
3% Salt
12h(4+8) All RT
Spiral Mixer

Direct Dough:
90% Denti Anima Verace
10% Semolina
63% Hydro
0,18% fresh yeast
3% Lard
3% Salt

Dough for Saturday with a little change on yeast:
25% Poolish 12h with 0,1% of fresh yeast and Infibra W380 Flour
and final dough with:
75% Denti Anima Verace
62% Hydros
0,1% fresh yeast on flour of remaining flour
2% Lard
3% Salt
12h(4+8) All RT
Spiral Mixer

More informations and pizza photos at:

Dough for Pala alla Romana.
Mid Hydratation  

90% Denti Zero+ W340 
10% Semolina
75% hydros 
0,7% fresh yeast 
2% Evo
2,5% Salt

Purple Potatoes ,Black Datterini,Mora Romagnola Lard
Gorgonzola di Novara, Porcini Mushroom, Cook smoked speck, Honey Mustard

more infos and photos at:
Facebook Page: