Hi Guys,
my name is Stefano and i'm a pizzamaker from Italy. Every week I make some style of Pizza.... here there are some images of my works.
With Neapolitan i prefer use Sourdough, but for pizzeria the use of Fresh yeast is more easy
Other my prefered style is Teglia alla Romana, using only Fresh Yeast and studing a lot on toppings
My personal web page is : www.0059.it and every week i will add some pizza with receipt.
3 Days of Neapolitan Pizza, Panettone and Teglia Romana
Usual Neapolitan Dough for Private Event:
90% Denti Anima Verace
10% Semolina
63% Hydro
0,18% fresh yeast
3% Lard
3% Salt
Usual Teglia Romana Dough for last year's party:
90% Denti Zero+ W340
10% Semolina
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
Giorilli recipe for Panettone
All photos and info at: http://www.0059.it/2018/01/01/2930-31-auguri/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
High Idratation Neapolitan Pizza
100% Denti Zero+ W340
75% hydros
0,1% fresh yeast
3% Lard
3% Salt
and in this period i'm using a lot sourdough for Panettone ...so i mix a second dough:
90% Denti Anima Verace
10% Denti Infibra W300
65% hydro
5% sourdough
2% Lard
3% Salt
17(4+13) all RT
More informations and photos at: http://www.0059.it/2018/01/08/alta-idratazione-lievito-madre/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
I love pizza very much. Thanks for sharing this pizza recipe with us.
But I want to ask you can I used Indian spices in pizza to give a different taste to it?
Thanks Saina, yes you can add little % of spices in dough to enahance flovor and taste. Try with 0,1% for the first time
Thanks for the reply Antilife.
I bought some different kind of spices from an online spice store,
I think you should try this.
A week of Courses, Event and Personal Pizza.
I used this dough for a big event in Modena where Daniele Reponi (a famous TV panino maker) and Davide Scappini challange each other with gourmet ingredients using my Teglia Romana
90% Denti Zero+ W340
10% Semolina
75% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
High Idratation Neapolitan Dough:
Denti Zero+ w340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
48h( 38CF,12RT)
All photos and info at: http://www.0059.it/2018/01/29/settimana-dantesca/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Sorry Guys,correct links is http://www.0059.it/2018/01/30/settimana-dantesca/
Stefano.. Great post and "conversation"..
Can I replace the lard with butter? Yes/no?
Or will it make a big difference and just use the lard?
Grazia.. ciao!
Butter is too sweat.
Difference between fats are:
Lard- softiness
Evo - fragrance
Seed Oil - crunchiness
I think I'll make one of all three and see what we like best!
Private Event for Real Neapoltan Pizza:
Margherita, Salsiccia and Friarielli, Multicolor with Piennoli del Vesuvio e Conciato Romano Pecorino
Three Doughs because my fridge is not big.
90% anima verace
63% hydro
0,2% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
75% anima verace
62% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast on 75% of total flour
2% lard
3% salt
Dough3: Experimental ...... i next time will be better
100% anima verace
63% hydro
10% sourdough
0,1% fresh yeast
2% lard
3% salt
More informations and pizza photos at: http://www.0059.it/2018/02/07/piu-napoletane-queste-non-si-puo/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Dough 1:
90% Denti Zero+ W340
10% Semolina
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
Black Dough:
100% Denti Nerissima (mix of rye, vaious seeds and wheat)
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
I love the Black dough Toppings need to be simple.
All photos and info at: http://www.0059.it/2018/02/11/t-ingredienti-top-assoluti/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Sorry for the absence, but it was a month full of commitments and work. Here are the last doughs I used both for events and for courses
Usual Dough Neapolitan Pizza:
90% anima verace
63% hydro
0,2% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
High Hydration Dough:
100% Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
Short Maturation Dough:
75% Denti Zero+ W250
62% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast on 75% of total flour
2% lard
3% salt
A LOT OF informations and pizza photos at: http://www.0059.it/2018/03/04/un-mese-difficile/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
I balanced the two doughs in management and I found the right baking with effeuno p134h modded
High Hydration Dough:
100% Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
Short Maturation Dough:
75% Denti Zero+ W250
62% hydro
0,08% fresh yeast on 75% of total flour
2% lard
3% salt
More informations and pizza photos at: http://www.0059.it/2018/03/11/le-quadre-trovate/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
A long week with two students for a complete course of General Bakery and Kneading, doughs and baking all types of pizza during this week and on Friday an Event of Teglia Romana. These are the Neapolitans instead.
I particularly mention Pizza Carminuccio with the secret ingredients of the famous pizzeria in Salerno
10% Tritordeum Durum
90% Denti Anima Verace
63% hydro
0,16% fresh yeast
1% EVO
3% salt
These are some Teglie Romane during the week
10% Durum Durum
90% Denti Zero+ W340
80% hydro
0,7% fresh yeast
2% EVO
2,5% salt
More informations and pizza photos at: http://www.0059.it/2018/03/18/formazione-e-pizza-a-360/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
The history of this dough is strange. he was born at the end of 2017 for Pizza al Metro but during the ball-forming phase, I was left with a 250-gram piece of dough. I made a Neapolitan pizza ball and during the baking I was impressed. So I decided to develop it ....and now I consider it an excellent technical dough.
High Hydration Dough:
100% Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
More informations and pizza photos at: http://www.0059.it/2018/03/25/storia-di-pizze-al-metro//
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Dough 1:
90% Denti Zero+ W340
10% Semolina
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
Black Dough:
100% Denti Nerissima (mix of rye, vaious seeds and wheat)
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
All photos and info at: http://www.0059.it/2018/04/01/feste-e-tavola/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Usual high hydratation dough :
100% Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
Next week i will return to normal hydratation (and hope to use sourdough)
More informations and pizza photos at: http://www.0059.it/2018/04/08/la-serata-pizza/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
10% Semolina
90% Denti Anima Verace
63% hydro
0,13% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
Sorry guys, I only took a picture because all the other photos were blurred due to technical problems.
I made this toppings after my trip to Madrid in Spain eating a Spanish Croquetas (Onion, Ham and Cheese Cream) ....fantastic
website: www.0059.it
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Dough 1
10% Semolina
90% Denti Anima Verace
63% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast (less yeast for spring/summer)
3% lard
3% salt
Dough 2 High Hidros
100% Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
More informations and pizza photos at: http://www.0059.it/2018/04/29/preparazioni/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Just one question: what do I have to adjust if making calzone instead of pizza?
Elsie, is the same dough. You need only to add condiments and close them in the dough.Calzone must baked more slowly.
I'm far less experienced in baking pizza than you are so I might need some extra instructions. For example, how long and at what temperature should I bake calzone if I bake pizza at 480°F for 12 minutes for the same recipe?
Thanks a lot!
if you bake at 12 minutes....you can use the same time. Remember that i bake neapolitan in about 60 seconds.When i bake a Calzone bake for max 90 seconds.....in 12 minutes you don't need to add extra baking time
Last Mix created with Molino Denti for Pizza in Pala:
100% Denti Crokkia
75% hydros
0,8% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
Test pre-course of 26th of May "Pizza in Pala" and "Neapolitan Metro"
100% Denti Zero+ W340
75% Hdros
0,1% fresh yeast
3% Lard
3% Salt
All photos and info at: http://www.0059.it/2018/05/21/scaramanzie-pale-panettoni/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Dough with Diving Arms Mixer:
10% Semolina
90% Denti Anima Verace
63% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
I reduced yeast cause high temperature.
I find some new variables to try to this dough, now i have more Leoparding and more brown color, but i prefer the taste of previous and usual dough. i will test this variables on other receipe so i can be sure of the result.
More photoshop and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/05/30/un-impasto-si-sviluppa-nel-tempo/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
100% Denti Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
I tryed Emilia Romangna traditional condiments (Erbazzone and Tigelle) on Pizza
More photoshop and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/06/04/0059-bakery-lab/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Testing my new Lab Oven.
90% Denti Zero+ W340
10% Semolina
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
After a big catering events with Teglia Romana and Classic Pizza, finally Neapolitan Style
High Hydros Dough:
100% Manitaly di Mulino Mariani
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
A new flour to test , really good but i see a little bit of anemy....i will test again in the next weeks!
More photoshop and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/06/18/un-sabato-allinsegna-della-pizza/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Return to classic dough:
90% Denti Anima Verace
10% Semolina
63% Hydros
0,1% fresh yeast
3% Lard
3% Salt
I think that this dough is the bestest for Flavors and management
More photoshop and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/06/25/lestate-non-ci-fermera/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Hello Stefano, for some time I've been following this topic, your work is impressive. Congratulations!
If you can help me, thank you very much!
If I want to use sourdough, what would I change? Would it influence the fermentation time?
Thanks Solano,
I use this recipe using sourdough in Neapolitan pizza
100% Denti Anima Verace6
65% Idro
5% sourdough
2% Lard
3% Salt
17h(1 in mass and 17 in balls) all RT 22°c
Classic Burger Buns
100% Denti Zero+ W250
55% hydros
1,5% fresh yeast
1 eagg each 500gr of flour
1% Diastasic Powder
6% Raw Sugar
6% Butter
3% Salt
Turmeric and Ginger Buns
100% Denti Curcuma e Zenzero
65% Hydros
1% Fresh Yeast
4% Lard
2% Salt
witth beef burger,iceberg salad, seasoned tomato, , goat cheese, bacon and caramelized onion
Turmeric and Ginger Buns
100% Denti Nerissima
63% Hydros
1% Fresh Yeast
4% Lard
2% Salt
with Vegetarian hamburger with egg, porcino mushroom, pecorino waffle and mayonnaise with truffle
Baked at 200 for 15 minutes
More photoshop and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/07/22/pizza-o-pane-consistenze/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
I have never been to Europe, much less Italy. Your pizzas look nothing like any pizza I have ever seen in the United States. Beautiful! Magnifico!
We bake a lot of pizza at my house in our oven at 285 dC. I assume your ovens are much much hotter. What temperature are you pizzas cooked at? I noticed you wrote earlier that your neapalitan pizza only takes 60 seconds to cook. WoW!
Also, how do you shape your dough? Push it into a flat round shape with your fingers? Spin it in the air?
Thanks for sharing! I know these posts take a lot of time! Thankyou!
Thanks texasbakerda.
This is an old old old old video. Now i stretch the balls better but the concept is the same ;)
Hi Stefano,
Some really impressive pizzas there! I used to live in Rome and the pizza in Italy was so much better than anything I've had in the UK.
Have you ever made pizza bianca or other Roman Pizza al Taglio in a domestic oven? If so, do you have any tips?
Yes richclever, you can withot problem make Teglia Romana in a domestic oven. You need only to extende time in oven. First Baking of 15 minutes and the second baking with condiment for 5 minutes (at 250 Degree)
Sorry for the absence ,i was on vacation
A week really full of job
High Hydros Neapolitan Style:
100% Denti Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
I'm experimenting with my collaborators new condiments and toppings
and Teglia Romana Too:
This is the most difficult dough to manage but has the result of a 48 hours in 12h
First Dough(100% Biga):
100% Infibra W380
45% Hydros
0,5% Fresh yeast
9 hours all RT (my SummerBiga 30 grades)
Second Dough:
to 75% Hydros
1% Diastasic Malt
2,5% Salt
2% EVO
1 in mass and 2 in balls all RT
Don't Try this at Home ;)
More photos and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/07/29/casa-dolce-casa/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
100% Denti CROKKIA
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
More photoshop and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/08/06/pale-e-panettoni-grandi-acclamazioni/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
High Hydros Neapolitan Style:
100% Denti Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
More photo and infos: hhttp://www.0059.it/2018/08/12/qui-quo-e-aspettiamo-qua/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Return to basics
100% Denti Anima Verace
63% hydros
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% Salt
More photo and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/08/26/ritorno-alla-realta/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
100% Denti Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
More photo and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/09/09/sempre-alta-idratazione-e/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Sourdough and Preferment Course, thanks to classmates. These are the doughs:
Neapolitan Pizza with Sourdough
100% Denti Anima Verace
65% hydros
5% sourdough
2% lard
3% Salt
Pizza al Metro:
100% Denti Zero+ W340
75% hydro
4% sourdough
0,08% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
Neapolitan Pizza with Poolish:
25% Poolish 12h
75% Denti anima verace
62% hydros
0,1% fresh yeast (poolish e regeneration)
2% Lard
12(4+8 all RT)
More photo and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/09/16/prefermenti/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
My Classic Neapolitan Pizza, but mixed with my new fork mixer, is an 30 years old mixer modded byFDM.
100% Denti Anima Verace
63% hydros
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% Salt
More photo and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/09/23/la-pizza-napoletana-in-tutto-e-per-tutto/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
100% Denti Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
Sorry for the absence, period of trips (Naples and Reggio Calabria) for contracts and Consulting
More photo and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/10/14/prima-di-tutto-la-formazione/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
90% Denti Zero+ W340
10% Semolina
80% hydros
0,7% fresh yeast
2% Evo
2,5% Salt
Exploring Toppings
More photoshop and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/10/21/3392/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Classic Neapolitan Pizza with Fork Mixer
100% Denti Anima Verace
63% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
Pizza and Ananas is a Taboo here in Italy.....but with my friend/Collaborator Bakery Chef Davide all is possible
I need to add more yeast. Temperature is become too low
More photo and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/10/28/pizza-e-ananas/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
TWO Doughs , Classic and High Hydos 24h
Classic Dough:
100% Denti Anima Verace
63% hydro
0,12% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
High Hydros
100% Denti Zero+ W340
75% hydro
0,1% fresh yeast
3% lard
3% salt
Classic has more flavor, but high hydros is more softly and light
More photo and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/11/11/0059-a-tutta-birra/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli
Back to MOTHER
100% Denti Anima Verace
65% hydros
5% sourdough
2% lard
3% Salt
18h(1+17)all RT
More photo and infos: http://www.0059.it/2018/11/19/mater-principium-est/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0059StefanoCiccarelli