
What is the best way to store flour for several weeks, (months)

Today, I received 4 pakages of KA Sir Lancelot flour. I plan on using these for pizzas.

Right now, I go through 5 - 10 lbs. of AP or organic flour per week, so I don't worry about sorage conditions.

 But what is the best way to store flour for several months, (the Sir Lancelot, WW, Semolina) the flours we don't use on a daily or weekly  basics.

I have a vacuum seal food saver, so I could vacuum seal them and/or freeze them.

What have others found is the best storage method.


I tend to keep my specialty flours in ziplock bags in the freezer. If I had a foodsaver, I might try that. I buy my AP flour in 25 or 50 pound bags, which I keep in a giant ziplock in the basement.

I was told freezing in air tight too. We'll be buying a bigger freezer REALLY soon and I can't wait!

Keep flour in an airtight container with a couple of bay leaves and you shouldn't have any bug problems.  For specialty flours that could go rancid, the fridge or freezer is your best bed.