What is the best way to store flour for several weeks, (months)
Today, I received 4 pakages of KA Sir Lancelot flour. I plan on using these for pizzas.
Right now, I go through 5 - 10 lbs. of AP or organic flour per week, so I don't worry about sorage conditions.
But what is the best way to store flour for several months, (the Sir Lancelot, WW, Semolina) the flours we don't use on a daily or weekly basics.
I have a vacuum seal food saver, so I could vacuum seal them and/or freeze them.
What have others found is the best storage method.
I tend to keep my specialty flours in ziplock bags in the freezer. If I had a foodsaver, I might try that. I buy my AP flour in 25 or 50 pound bags, which I keep in a giant ziplock in the basement.
I was told freezing in air tight too. We'll be buying a bigger freezer REALLY soon and I can't wait!
Keep flour in an airtight container with a couple of bay leaves and you shouldn't have any bug problems. For specialty flours that could go rancid, the fridge or freezer is your best bed.
Many thanks everyone. For longer storage, I'll vacuum seal and freeze.