Blog posts

more Lupin success

Profile picture for user yozzause
i have been looking at Elizabeth David's book " English Bread and Yeast Cookery" and quite liked the look of the Tea cakes, i also took the opportunity to try some more Lupin breads so combined the two. The tea cakes are usually about 100g each, mine were 200g the same as the mini test loaves.

Par-baked baguettes


Help guys…

I am failing to to finish baking, my par-baked baguettes. I can’t seem to get the crumb  on the inside to be dry. It’s usually wet and squishy. It’s like it’s not yet been cooked enough but when I par-bake the baguettes, I get the internal temperature to be around 98 to 99°C, so it is already cooked. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Please anyone out there help me. 
I cannot seem to understand where I’m going wrong.

Purple Sweet Potato SD Milk Buns

Profile picture for user Benito

For the dinner party last night we had one guest who won’t eat cooked vegetables!  What to prepare that he will eat?  Pulled pork sandwiches as the main, along with coleslaw.  For appetizers I served pork, shiitake mushroom and Napa gyoza that I made a while ago and froze.  These are great to have frozen so you can save prep when having a dinner party.  The pulled pork was made using my Instant Pot.

pH meter, a welcome reminder to calibrate

Profile picture for user mwilson

Admittedly, I am aware and I have spoken emphatically about the importance of calibrating pH meters. My training in the wine lab has instilled the habit of calibration each and every time prior to use, in that environment.

Why then have I been so lax with my bread and dough meter! Perhaps it is the domestic setting that gives rise to such a laid back approach. Then again, even in the work place I have been deemed as a 'laid back' kind of guy!

Bakers Percent Re-Imagined Part 5

Profile picture for user Rafe

A variable section for each recipe, nothing too intricate needed as mainly guidelines.

  • Adding details, real times, rating, extra notes, methods, links,

No real need for the full recipe method, just the highlights are enough to be getting started and nudges as the day progresses. Extra baking notes for the actual bake sitting with timings, for those final stages.

Bakers Percent Re-Imagined Part 4

Profile picture for user Rafe

Conversions to save searching for them each time, initially started off as a set of links. But rather than adding a link to elsewhere (although quite a few have been included) for some basic information. Thoughts dictated that it should be more of a one-stop shop for:

Working with Lupin Flakes and Lupin Flour

Profile picture for user yozzause

Still doing some test baking of the Sweet Lupin product kindly supplied by David from The Lupin Co here in Western Australia,

 During the 1960’s a very clever man named Dr John Gladstone from University of Western Australia (UWA), developed one of the first commercial lupin varieties especially for the Australian environment.