Blog posts

Various croissants + Abel's Pain Vienoisse

Profile picture for user kendalm

As several other member's have bit the Abel bug I thought it's about time to give it a shot. This was a half ditched effort since I couldn't locate my loaf tins and so had to go free form. Not disappointed, thos of course was an unfocused experiment more-or-less just to see how it would turn out as a side bake against croissants with more attention to the croissants.

AYW and Rye levain SD

Profile picture for user trailrunner

well I am astounded at the results of this bake. Even more simple than any others of late. Small amount of  hands on involved and amazing oven spring for so little effort. Will post crumb later...having a dinner party in an hour so need to get scooting ! 

Refreshed Starter, 100% hydration*:  150 grams
Total Flour**:  485 grams 
Water:  330g 
Sea Salt:  11 grams

Borrowed this formula from Girl meets dirt a blog that is interesting if you want to take a look. 

Roasted Potato Yogurt Spelt Rye Sour Dough

Profile picture for user Isand66

This is a very rustic bread using roasted baby red potatoes and roasted sweet potatoes.  For the red potatoes I mashed them up and added them skins and all.  You can see some whole pieces of potato sticking out in the crumb shots below.

Cracked cloche


Hi... cracked my clay clouche( spritzed water on dough..bad idea). Does any one know if cracked base can b repaired or just chalk it up lost and buy a new one.   Thanks

Canadian Settler Sourdough

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I loved Trailrunner’s “Look ma, almost no hands…” bread method and decided to give it a shot. This bread is almost the same recipe, but scaled to making three loaves and with the addition of some flax.  The ingredient list is similar to Trevor’s European Peasant loaf so I decided to have some fun with names and call this a Canadian Settler loaf because of the inclusion of maple syrup in it. Carolyn, I hope that you don’t mind me renaming your bread!


My Journey to Great Croissants - Need Help Please


Hello Everyone,

I posted once on one of the very old thread and I think its better that I start a blog on my croissant adventure as I think I need to note down what works and what not works.  I too hope that I will be able to get some tips and advice from all the experts too.

Stretch & Fold after bulk fridge retarding


Hi Freshloafers

just wondering if anyone has mixed dough, then put in in the fridge for a bulk retarding and did the stretch and folds the next day in the morning, and then divide, pre shape, shape and for a midday bake

thanks in advance for any thoughts/insight 

MJ Sourdoigh

Barley - Rye Bread

Profile picture for user joc1954

This is a very tasty bread with 30% of barley flour, 30% of rye flour and 40% strong bread flour.


1.) Prepare 20% of leaven at 100% hydration (could be with white flour or rye flour)

2.) Mix all ingredients flour+water+leaven +2% of salt  (no autolyse) and develop the gluten right away after you mix on low speed for about 3 minutes.

3.) Do series of S&F in 30-45 minutes intervals.

4.) The bread on the picture was cold retarded for 20 hours.

Bake as you normally bake your breads, nothibg special required.


100% whole wheat polenta rosemary porridge sourdough


This is my first blog entry and porridge sourdough.

I have started baking bread for less than a year and they are almost all no-knead overnight artisan bread. Since the start of this year, I have been trying my hand at sourdough as I successfully made a starter at the first attempt. Though, as a year 1 student, time is not something I have a lot to sparse so all of my loaf are essentially no-knead, stretch and fold type. 

This is my first trial of porridge sourdough inspired by the Polenta and Rosemary Sourdough from The Perfect Loaf.