Blog posts

Last bake before holidays!! Happy days

Profile picture for user leslieruf

Yesterday was the last day to top up bread for the next week plus leave some in  the freezer for when we return.

So Sunday overnight refreshed the starter, then Monday made 2 builds, converting it to 100% hydration and using bran for the 2nd build.  2nd & 3rd builds combined as we were going to be out until evening.  Before going to bed built the levains required for my bake.

Hamelman"s 5 grain Levain (pictured)


Flaxseed 62 g

cracked rye 62 g

sunflower seed 52 g

Rolled oats 52 g

busy but baking

Profile picture for user pul

I have been quite busy lately, but haven't stopped baking. By the way, is it my impression or the number of posts has increased significantly lately? I can't keep up with so much information anymore. 

Baked two loaves this weekend, a record batch for me. Both 75% hydration and 20% levain. Some mixed cold bulk fermentation and cold proofing. Top loaf was 25% dark rye + 5% red fife, while the lower loaf 20% dark rye. The lower loaf was given as gift, so no crumb shot. The pic below is for the crumb shot of the top loaf along with my lunch yesterday.



Happy Baker


Hi All,

A brief post to share today's bake, a SD multigrain loaf (and a BIG one at that) with a bit of spice to it, plus olives and roasted red peppers. Flours and grains combined AP and BF, whole rye flour, barley flakes, and wheat germ, plus add-ins including multicolor quinoa (cooked), stuffed green olives and roasted red peppers (and the olive oil they were cooked with). I used Old Bay Seasoning (at 2.5%) for the salt and extra spices.



Well, this is my sixth attempt at making a more open crumb per Trevor's book. I'm not getting the wide open crumb Trevor does, but I'm enjoying some mighty good breads along the way. This is this weekend's bake.. first the pictures.

Trevor Wilson's 'Pioneer SD' Bread posts on IG

Profile picture for user not.a.crumb.left

Hi Everyone,

I thought, I share what Trevor is posting on IG on 'Pioneer SD' bread...considering the thoughts we had here on 'open' crumb or not etc.  I find this inspiring stuff and there is a bread for everyone somewhere and they are all beautiful , I think....