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All the Factors


I made a large, dense pagnotta foggiana over the weekend and the entire process went really well. Whole wheat flour for the biga with cornmeal mixed into the bread flour for the dough. Coarse, chewy, and crusty. Typical of Italian bread in general, maybe closely resembling a nice Pugliese loaf. 

I was thinking about an old Fresh Lofian that I learned a lot from

Profile picture for user dabrownman

gogli70 and all the great breads he posted.  he worked at bakery and baked for the Farmer's Market too.  His blog is worth reading in my book.

Here is just one of his great breads 93% whole grain ciabatta at 89% hydration. From 2013

This was Josh's first attempt at David Snyder's SFSD

5 Grain Levain with Bulgur

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I have been away from bread making for a month due to other obligations and this was the recipe that called out to my baker’s soul. ? 

The last time I did this recipe, I used cracked rye and oat groats so I changed it to bulgur and old fashioned oats. I also changed the Wholewheat flour from Red Fife to Selkirk wheat. The bran was sifted out and used in feeding my starter to get it up to speed before making the final levain. 

Repeat bake, different flours - wow!

Profile picture for user leslieruf

I decided to repeat my last weekend yeast water/sourdough levain bake.  I had run out of the flour I prefer to used my second choice.  The dough was really wet, although the gluten development was good, it was a really soft dough and I was happy how it baked up.

This weekend I decided to use 50% of that same flour and 50% of my normal flour.  I checked the formula and now see that yes it is a really wet dough!!  50% water (Bakers percent) and 30% yeast water!!!  

Sourdough Brioche Mango Lava Tart

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

Rainy days have long come over but the luscious, sweet and juicy mangoes that I have frozen remind me of summer. Hot and humid sunny days where you spend your time outdoors playing, kite-flying, swimming only to go home at dusk smelly and dirty. Ah! The good old days! It's the time almost every kid is looking forward to...

... the rain just can't stop me in bringing summer into our home. Summer's Last Hurrah! I made this fabulous mango tart.

Ancient Grains and Organic Flours in Central Wisconsin


Just purchased 25# Durum Wheat berries from Farm Flavors Hole Grains in Chilton, WI.  Dave Meuer and his wife run a farmhand have Einkorn (avl. 8/18), Durum Wheat, Emmer, Oat, Rye and Spelt in berries and flours they mill on the farm.  Number is 920-418-2676.  Website is  He makes the rounds of Central Wisconsin and delivered right to my door.  I purchased the durum berries for $22.50 which is a great price considering they are organic and delivery was free.

Tartine style bread - slightly amended recipe

Profile picture for user joc1954

In last months I was experimenting quite a lot with fermentation process. This bread is the result of latest experiment where I am testing the procedure how to get really well open crumb. Basically this is the amended Tartine country loaf recipe which starts with the true autolyse (just flour+water) for several hours, continues with adding starter, one hour resting period, adding salt plus additional water (double hydration), followed by at least 6-8 stretch & folds at about 30 minutes intervals during the bulk fermentation.