Blog posts

Weekly Bake - Ears inspired by Kat

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

Got my weekly bake done today, and all went smoothly.  The only real adjustment to my usual process was due to an early dinner that we had scheduled to celebrate our youngest daughter's birthday with her grandparents.  Instead of my usual 1.5 hour final proof at RT (before retarding for a few hours), I only let it proof at RT for .5 hours, then into the fridge for about 6 hours.  Everything came out well (no crumb shot yet, but I expect it will look the same as usual, perhaps a little tighter based on the dough feel, and how it looked out of the fridge.)

Purple Corn Sourdough Pretzel Rolls with Beer

Profile picture for user Isand66

I have not made pretzel rolls in a while and wanted to try a new version.  I added some fresh milled purple corn flour, and rye flour along with some maple syrup to add a little sweetness.  Beer certainly goes well with pretzels so adding it to the dough was a no-brainer.

This and that....

Profile picture for user not.a.crumb.left

I have not been posting too much as might get too repetitive for your folks and also have been visiting family in Germany...

So being back nurtured that starter and tried to bake with a different Shipton Mill Organic Semolina Durum flour as the Caputo Semola Rimicinata is not easy to get hold off where I live...and I looooove that flour....

It is very fine but the glutenins seem to be 'weaker' than the Caputo and I use less water...less of an autolyse and less of slap and folds to protect the gluten that I want to develop...

Well, this was fun!

Profile picture for user TomK

I’ve been making this bread every  weekend since mid-April with the goal of entering it in the county fair, which has a sourdough division this year. The theme of the fair this year is “Over the Moon”, hence the stencil. 

I made 3 batches of 2 loaves each so I’d have plenty to choose from, this one looked the nicest.

Chai and Chocolate Chip Sourdough from Hotbake

Profile picture for user ifs201



I followed Hotbake's lovely recipe with my own process and I also increased some of the amounts to get a larger loaf (in the future I'll probably make the loaf even bigger)


340g bread flour

30g whole wheat

20g rye

325g chai concentrate


60g honey

60g salt

80g starter



Stollen Revisited


A better approach that seems less effort is a 4-hour long Autolyse  of fresh ground wheat berries at 90% hydration, then add ~10%  sourdough starter, a  4 hour bulk ferment including several stretch and folds with 2% salt added at the next to last stretch and fold,  a 12-hour retard, then form the loaves, and a final rise in baskets of about 3 or 4 hours.  Bake at 450F convection on a pizza stone. 

Saigon Cinnamon Raisin Sourdough Take 2

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I had quite a few people asking me for a redo so here it is. Minor changes were using only 50g of additional water, doubling the amount of bourbon, mixing the cinnamon with the raisins before adding to the dough and bulking for only 4 hours as the dough temp was quite a bit higher with this batch. Here is my prior recipe:


Kamut Egg Cheese Rolls

Profile picture for user Isand66

I needed to make some rolls for burgers and sandwiches and if you know me by now, adding cheese was a must :).  The main flour was Kamut with some KAF bread flour thrown in for good measure.  The eggs really added some nice moisture and flavor and the smoked Gouda cheese I used put them over the top.  Of course if you don't like smoked cheese (like my wife who hates it), use a more mild cheese.